Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wisconsin 'Safer at Home' - 30 DAYS

Tony Evers ruled that Wisconsinites must give up their freedom to work, worship, and assemble for 30 DAYS, from March 25 through April 24.

Why is Evers demanding that ALL of Wisconsin be shut down for an entire month?

Illinois is being dramatically more lenient.

From the Chicago Tribune:

Gov. J.B. Pritzker has issued a “stay-at-home” order for the entire state starting at 5 p.m. Saturday through at least April 7, marking Illinois’ most aggressive step yet to try to slow the coronavirus’s spread.

...The governor also pushed back the reopening date for schools statewide until at least April 8. Chicago Public Schools will not start again until April 21.

India's lockdown is ordered for 21 days.

Many states have Shelter in Place orders for only select counties where the virus is more prevalent.

Evers' decision to put the entire state of Wisconsin on lockdown for 30 DAYS seems to be a sure way to destroy our economy and leave the lives of millions in shambles.

Is that Evers' plan?

If so, I think it will work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A copy of Evers' order is here:

Mary, kudos to you for all your efforts to get the truth out in support of liberty and common sense!