Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Lake Geneva, MSNBC, and Masks

This is great!

I love it!

The guy wearing the Packers jersey calls out members of the MSNBC crew for their hypocrisy. Those Democrat/Leftist mouthpieces shouldn't mock and shame people for not wearing face masks when only the guy on camera is wearing one.

In general, I don't see people wearing masks outside in public places here in Wisconsin. Inside, some stores do require masks while others just recommend that customers wear them. I usually put one on in stores but take it off as soon as I'm outside.

The mask wars are silly. Wear a mask or don't wear a mask. Do what you want. If a place requires a mask, you can choose to wear one or go somewhere else. I'm not surprised people are stressed given the months of fearmongering we've endured.

There was bound to be this sort of fallout after we emerged from these lockdowns. I'm sure this will pass. MSNBC will find something else to obsess over.

I admit I'm a little nervous about people from Illinois coming up to Wisconsin, but it's business as usual for Lake Geneva. Cars with Illinois plates routinely outnumber the Wisconsin plates in the area during the summer. If you're concerned about a lack of social distancing and masks there, don't go to Lake Geneva.

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