Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Biden's Plan: Fewer Jobs, Higher Taxes

I don't see how any American could want what Joe Biden and the Democrat party plan for the country.

President Trump delivered a blue collar boom. That is a fact.

Because the Democrat/Leftist media are literally insane with Trump Derangement Syndrome, the incredible success of Trump's policies didn't receive the widespread attention it deserved. But, Americans must realize how great things were going before China sent the Wuhan coronavirus around the world.

Surely, Trump's policies will offer the best path to economic recovery.

Biden's plan, fewer jobs and higher taxes, will only offer more pain for the American people.

1 comment:

Sherman Broder said...

"I don't see how any American could want what Joe Biden and the Democrat party plan for the country."

The country is in turmoil on all sides, from riots to Covid. The news media is blaming Trump for it all. So if you're an average middle-class American who wants things to return to normal, do you vote for Trump who stands for confrontation and continuing unrest? Or do you vote for Biden who stands for appeasement and the promise of a peaceful outcome?

The Democrats, who have ginned up the turmoil, are counting on the latter.