Monday, July 20, 2020

Soledad O'Brien Mocks Janice Dean

Soledad O'Brien is not a very nice person.

O'Brien didn't like that Janice Dean called out Anthony Fauci's lies.

Janice lost both her mother-in-law and father-in-law to COVID-19 as result of Andrew Cuomo's deadly nursing home policies.

Naturally, she would be disturbed by Fauci's troubling assertion that New York "did it correctly."

It's hard to respect Fauci when he makes outrageous statements, praising New York's handling of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.

O'Brien, apparently angry that Janice tweeted her opposition to Fauci's comments, decided to mock her.

O'Brien chose to highlight her malicious nature.

She deserves every bit of the negative attention she's getting.

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