Friday, July 31, 2020

Tony Evers' Mask Mandate

"'Enclosed' outdoor spaces"?

This certainly seems like the groundwork for another Evers lockdown.

1 comment:

Sherman Broder said...

Evers is more demented than Joe. Did he really make an exception to mask-wearing if you're "unconscious?" LMAO!

Thank God our Maximum Leader granted us an exemption from mask-wearing when we're eating, drinking and getting dental work done. Might get kind of messy and painful otherwise.

And why make such a draconian edict after the Covid horse has left the barn?

What's next? A edict that says we have to wear tinfoil hats to ward off 5G?

If people buy into this absurd nonsense, they are more paralyzed by fear than I imagined.

I suggest we all paste a coffee filter over our snouts when we venture out into the real world.