Monday, August 17, 2020

Kamala Harris - Medicare For All

Kamala Harris wants to abolish private health care insurance. She wants the government to control all your health care decisions.

If you think this will improve your health care, you're wrong.

1 comment:

Sherman Broder said...

The fatal flaw in all government welfare programs is equality. If, as the left believes, we are all entitled to an equal amount of wealth regardless of how that wealth is produced and by whom, then Medicare for all makes perfect sense. In other words, the problem with government welfare for the needy is the fact that we are all needy. I need food, housing, clothes, education and health care as everybody does. So how can the government justify giving these essentials free of charge to some but not to others...if we are all equally deserving?

We stupidly turned the USA into a Welfare State. The consequences of this stupidity are unavoidable.