Thursday, September 17, 2020

The 1776 Commission

Clearly, generations of Americans have been taught to hate America. 

We're seeing the fruits of the toxic anti-American indoctrination by Leftist educators in the riots, looting, and attacks on American citizens as they dine or walk on public streets. 

 The horrific realization that so many young Americans prefer socialism to our system confirms the need to revamp public education in our country. 

In terms of the election, the 1776 Commission is a brilliant move on President Trump's part. He provides Americans with a clear choice. 

Vote for anti-School Choice Joe Biden and the hate America 1619 Project, or vote for patriotic, pro-School Choice Donald Trump and the celebrate America 1776 Commission. 

Oppression and victimization or freedom and achievement. 

I choose freedom and achievement.

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