Thursday, December 17, 2020

Chief Justice John Roberts - Coward, Fraud, Liar

This is what I suspected. 

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are carrying out their sworn duty to defend the Constitution. 

The Leftists on the Supreme Court, of course, are being the activists they always are. 

The other justices, including the cowardly liberal Chief Justice John Roberts, are abdicating their responsibilities, allowing the Democrat mob and the Democrat militia to carry out their coup.

The disgraceful liar John Roberts has presided over the destruction of the judiciary branch of our government, permitting the fraudulent results of the election of our president to stand. Without checks and balances, without the Constitution, the American people have no power.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

Joe Biden is illegitimate.

Apparently, Roberts thinks over 75 million Americans are as spineless as he is, willing to compromise our principles and roll over, willing to surrender to the mob and Democrat/Leftist pressure. Roberts thinks we're as weak as he is.

That is a grave miscalculation.

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