Friday, October 29, 2021

McAuliffe's White Supremacist Tiki Torch Stunt Implodes

Terry McAuliffe's campaign is spiraling down the drain.

Their attempt today to stage a white supremacist stunt to hurt Glenn Youngkin is priceless. Rather than paint Youngkin as a racist, it served to reveal what buffoons the Democrats/Marxists are. The liars and their lame plot were quickly exposed by conservatives, humiliating the Democrat/Marxist Cabal "journalists" running with the lies. After the Democrats' deception spectacularly imploded, the scramble was on to do damage control. McAuliffe's campaign reeks of desperation. The race card is all the Democrats/Marxists have to offer. Stoking division is their modus operandi.

It wasn't long until the disgraced Lincoln Project claimed responsibility for the fraud.
The Lincoln Project and its infamous band of criminals, child molesters, and grifters try to spin the stunt as performance art.

They think Virginia voters are chumps.

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