Monday, November 22, 2021

First Christmas Under Biden - Not Good

If Biden was capable of comprehending how poorly America views him and his policies, I think he'd be pretty upset.


LL said...

The fact that Brandon is suffering from severe dementia such that he seems to be completely out of touch as to time place and person almost all of the time, may be a kindness to him. Nobody, not even creepy, corrupt, nasty, lying old Slow Joe would want their legacy to be a complete shit show.

Mary said...

It's a lie that Biden is healthy, vigorous, and fit to serve as president. Anyone can see that's not even close to accurate.

It's a lie that the border is closed and under control. It's a lie that inflation is temporary and the result of Americans having so much money to spend that shortages are created. It's a lie that the Afghanistan evacuation was a monumental, historic success. It's a lie that the multi-trillion dollar spending bill will cost Americans $0. It's a lie that CRT isn't taught. And then there's all the COVID lies. The DOJ and the FBI under Biden operate to harass, silence, and punish political opponents.

Biden is an absolute disaster. I wish he knew.