Friday, June 24, 2022

Wisconsin Right to Life - Full Statement

Wisconsin Right to Life Celebrates the Supreme Court Decision in Dobbs V. Women’s Health Organization

June 24, 2022 Press Releases

Wisconsin Right to Life celebrates the historic decision from the United States Supreme Court in Dobbs V. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturns the precedents set in Roe V. Wade and Planned Parenthood V. Casey. This is a monumental step toward the protection of all human life, including the most valuable among us, preborn children.

By overturning Roe and Casey, the Supreme Court emphasized the foundational truth that the right to an abortion does not appear in the United States Constitution. Now, the decision regarding pro-life laws has returned to the states, and Wisconsin is in powerful position to defend preborn life due to our pre-Roe statute, 940.04.

Gracie Skogman, Wisconsin Right to Life’s legislative director, stated, “This is a joyful day for the pro-life movement, and dobbit is our moment to affirm our dedication to uplifting and supporting both preborn children and their mothers. The pro-life movement is truly pro-women and pro-babies, and we rejoice at the action we can take to protect preborn children now that Roe has been overturned.”

Heather Weininger, Wisconsin Right to Life executive director, stated, “Pro-life advocates have worked tirelessly for decades to protect preborn life from abortion, and today we are overwhelmed with joy to witness Roe V. Wade being overturned. But our work does not end here. We must continue to fight for our state statute to remain unchanged, and we must demand that it be enforced. We must work even harder to advocate for mothers facing unexpected or challenging pregnancies, and provide more life-affirming resources so that intentionally ending the life of a preborn child becomes an unthinkable option.”

Wisconsin Right to Life will continue to peacefully advocate for the protection of all human life, and mothers facing unexpected or challenging pregnancies. We pause to celebrate this historic decision today, and look forward to continuing our work until each life is protected and cherished.

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