Friday, August 26, 2022

Karine Jean-Pierre and 'Semi-Fascism'

From FOX News:
"What exactly is semi-fascism, Karine?" Lemon asked.

"Thank you for having me because this is really important," Jean-Pierre said from outside the White House. "The American people have a choice in front of them and the president laid that out very clearly, very powerfully tonight. When you look at what Democrats are doing and what they are delivering, and what they have done, Don, in less than two years, which is lowering costs on prescription drugs, lowering the energy costs, making sure that we have this historic legislation to really deal with [the] climate crisis. All of these things are important —"

"And they are," Lemon interrupted. "Karine, I want to get to all of those things with all due respect, but we have a short time. I'm going to get to all those things, but if you'll answer my question."

"I am," Jean-Pierre shot back. "I was just about to get to your question. I really was… You brought me on the show for a reason. And I have to talk about — "

"I understand that, I just have limited time with you," Lemon cut in again. "I just want to make sure that we get all the answers."

"Well, by having this back and forth, we are actually taking away from the time. So here we go," the press secretary responded.

"So what we're seeing from Republicans and what we have seen from Republicans these past several years is that they are attacking our democracy. They are taking away our freedom. And they are trying to put on the chopping blocks Medicare and Social Security. That's what we are seeing, and it's being done — if you look at the Republican Party, it is being done by this element, this MAGA element of the Republican Party. And that is what we are trying to prevent. That's what you heard from the president today," she told Lemon.
Jean-Pierre loses her cool here.

Biden regime members do get annoyed when Democrat media actually ask legitimate questions and expect answers. She's very good at making a fool of herself.

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