Friday, May 24, 2024

Hunter Biden at White House State Dinner

Hunter Biden does not look like he's in good shape.

Maybe Biden's puppet masters use Hunter at events to draw attention away from the dementia-riddled Biden.
From the New York Post:
Democratic insiders were bristling at the presence of Hunter Biden at the starry White House reception for Jewish American Heritage Month this week, we hear.

One Democratic operator told us of the first son’s presence and the political optics, “It’s such a blind spot … It’s not exactly the look people need or want.”

The source said of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., “Hunter is there a lot — his dad is president — but this was public.”

...Hunter was also expected at a state dinner for the president of Kenya on Thursday, where Attorney General Merrick Garland was also a guest. Garland had also attended the Rose Garden event.

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