Thursday, June 20, 2024

Trump Calls Rachel Morin's Family

From Breitbart:

The Angel Family of Rachel Morin says they are “deeply touched” after former President Donald Trump called them to offer his condolences. Morin was raped and murdered, allegedly by an illegal alien linked to the MS-13 gang who crossed the United States-Mexico border last year.

On Thursday, Morin’s mother Patty and the family’s attorney Randolph Rice said Trump had made a phone call to them to offer his condolences for their loss.

“I am deeply touched by President Trump’s kindness and concern,” Patty Morin said.

“He was genuine and truly wanted to know how our family was coping,” she continued. “He asked about Rachel and showed honest compassion for her untimely death. His words brought comfort to me during this very difficult time.”

Likewise, Rice said in a press release the family is “thankful for President Trump’s call.”

“Acts like this show the depth of his care for Americans,” Rice said. “His concern for Rachel’s family and his willingness to reach out personally was consoling to the family and means a great deal to us all.”

...Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas attempted to absolve the administration’s border policies of any blame in Morin’s murder.

“A criminal is responsible for the criminal act,” Mayorkas told CNN. “The criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, and forcefully so. That is my response.”
President Trump offered his condolences to Rachel Morin's family, showing genuine concern.

Biden, on the other hand, never reached out to Rachel Morin's family. The supposedly compassionate, caring, decent Biden NEVER called. He's a fraud. Vote this fraud and his puppet masters out of office.

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