Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde - Inaugural Prayer Service

President Trump's first full day in office included a prayer service.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a time of prayer. It was a set-up, a hit job, in a house of God.

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde conducted herself shamefully, basically accusing him of intending to harm "gay, lesbian and transgender children and illegal immigrants."

President Trump, Vice President Vance and their family members listened to her spew inanity.

Clearly, Budde thinks she's a hero, and she may be to the Trump deranged. Actually, she revealed that she has no interest in bringing together all people in God's name. She preferred to play politics and sow lies and division. It was not a good moment for her and those of her ilk.
When asked about the "prayer service," President Trump gave a very dignified response. Budde is a known hater of President Trump. I suppose Trump haters like Budde are very troubled that they no longer control the government and an overwhelming majority of Americans are not on their side. I expect them to act out like this. It's who they are.

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