Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gore Endorses Obama

DETROIT -- Al Gore made his debut in the 2008 presidential campaign Monday night, encouraging voters to back Barack Obama because “take it from me, elections matter.”

The former vice president’s speech at the Joe Louis Arena was part endorsement and part blistering attack on the man who denied him the White House eight years ago.

“After eight years of incompetence, neglect and failure, we need change,” Gore said. “After eight years when our Constitution has been dishonored and disrespected, we need changes.”

...Gore told the rally that the Democratic primary was a contest between a strong and inspiring field of candidates, but “now we’ve made our choice.”

He said Republican candidate John McCain deserves respect for all he has done for this country and for his willingness to debate his party on climate change and other critical issues. But he said the 71-year-old McCain’s “age and experience” aren’t the same as Obama’s judgment, noting the Democrat’s early opposition to the Iraq war.

He said Republicans criticized President Kennedy for being too young and inexperienced to be president as well, but Kennedy noted that Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Christopher Columbus all accomplished great things before they reached their mid-40s.

“I feel your determination after two terms of the Bush-Cheney administration to change the direction of our country,” he said. He accused Bush of myriad missteps, including a botched response to Hurricane Katrina, economic problems, foreign policy mistakes and allowing lead-tainted toys and poisoned pet food in from China.

“Even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter,” he said. “This election matters more than ever because America needs change more than ever.”

Gore will be grinding that Election 2000 axe for the rest of his life.

He despises Bush.

I guess being an Oscar winner and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate doesn't erase the pain of losing the presidency.

...Obama and Gore were introduced by Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who backed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primary. She held up a navy blue pump and said, on behalf of women everywhere, that she was proud to say she’s supporting Obama.

She was loudly booed at the mention of Clinton’s name, and Obama chastised the crowd for that when he spoke. He said he’s a better candidate for having run against Clinton.

“She’s tough,” he said. “That’s why this race took so long. She’s a fighter. And we need fighters in the Democratic Party because we’ve got a lot to fight for.”

Dems booing Hillary is not good.

There's a lot of bad blood in the Democrat Party.

Just as Gore holds a grudge, I think Obama does, too. I can't imagine Obama wanting Hillary to be his running mate.

I also can't imagine the Dems working out their differences by November.

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