Friday, October 10, 2008

James T. Harris

Charlie Sykes interviewed James T. Harris this morning on his radio program. They talked about the McCain-Palin town hall meeting in Waukesha yesterday and how Harris has been propelled into the national spotlight.

Video of Harris in Waukesha.


Some transcript excerpts:

CHARLIE SYKES: What did you think of McCain's answer (to Harris' question at the town hall meeting) though? He said he was going to... And then he... Well, what?

JAMES T. HARRIS: Well he had... There was the official response you heard on stage, and then he addressed it quickly, and then went on to something else. And then there's... Everyone's accusing me of hugging John McCain. Actually, that's what it looks like, but John McCain... Sen. John McCain whispered something in my ear, Charlie. And it's going to just stay between me and the Senator for now. But the response that he said to me, what he whispered in my ear, is what I'm going to hold on to more so than what he said afterwards.

SYKES: OK. And so you felt good about it.


SYKES: You weren't disappointed.

HARRIS: No. And you know, more so than anything, Charlie, I was happy with the fact that I actually articulated it, that I said it, because that's exactly what I've been feeling for, for months. As you check out my show, I was begging for some type of action for him to address these issues. And that's just, I just kind of had an opportunity to vent that.

SYKES: Were you [an audience plant]?


SYKES: I know that. I just want to give you a chance...

HARRIS: You know, I talked to, I think it's Cameron at FOX. And he really grilled me on this because he said he didn't want any blowback. And I can understand where people are coming from. There were only like about 3 or 4 Americans of African descent in the audience. What people don't know is that I have done presentations for the Republican Party in Waukesha. I have a lot of friends in the party there and politicians and I called the office and asked for tickets.

So... And I knew that, you know, that I was, you know, a minority. And I am in the camp but I am a conservative so they would give, I'd be put in a prominent position. I had no idea I'd be that close to the stage.

And since I was there, I decided, 'You know what? I am going to ask this question,' because this really is on my heart and on my mind, and I want to at least put it out there that I'm fighting like he asked and I want him to fight to. And that's how it came about. There was no... I wasn't plucked by the McCain campaign. I've been accused of that. Lord have mercy, I've... people are saying that I got paid by the John..., by the McCain... I wish! I would love...! (Laughing, joking)

HARRIS: I have a whole new appreciation for what politicians go through in the media and the whole idea of spin. The way my comments were used on CNN were completely different than the way they were... even the angles that were shot from FOX News.

SYKES: Tell me about it. What'd they do?

HARRIS: Well, most Americans of African descent tune into to CNN and MSNBC. And I got so many e-mails and calls from friends who said, 'How... Why are you so hateful? What is all this hate? The hate rally and the chanting, and stuff?'

I'm like, 'What are you talking about?' This is before I even was aware that all this stuff was out there. I hadn't seen anything.

When you look at FOX, it's a completely different angle, and I think they handled my question more respectful. But, I can understand how I'm getting tons of e-mail and calls from people who were saying that I was Uncle Tom-in', that I was sucking up to the master, and I was hugging McCain. That's not what happened.

And the whole tone at the event-- it was very patriotic. There were people singing. It was fun! And there were a few people who got up to speak who were really angry, but that was not... the rally was not spewing over with hate.

And what I realized, especially afterwards when I started to be interviewed by all the press is that they came in with some preconceived notions.

One reporter actually said to me: 'You're black. How come you're voting for Barack Obama?'

I said, 'Are you serious?' (Shocked)

'Because well look, there's only like 2 or 3 of you in the room. How come you are voting for Barack Obama?'

...And that's when I realized after I saw some of the coverage that there was a certain tone on Left-leaning media that unfairly characterized my...

I'm at the heart of this bias now. I'm feeling it.

SYKES: When you first started doing this, you and I talked, I said, 'Hey, one of the things you're going to have to get used to is you get a lot of hate mail...' Well, in the last 24 hours, James, we went from theoretical to real.

HARRIS: Charlie Sykes, I was up till 3:30 in the morning. It was like watching an accident, a train wreck. I couldn't... the volume... hundreds and hundreds of e-mail coming in, some of the most hateful, vile stuff I have ever read directed at me. There are people out there that are wishing that I and my family were dead.

SYKES: And they said that?

HARRIS: Yes, Charlie. As a matter of fact, Charlie, I'm thinking about writing a book called, The Day I Met Senator McCain. And all I'm going to do is talk about, in the first part, how this whole thing set up, have my question there, and then I'm going to just post every single one of the e-mails that I got. And right now, it's running about 8 or 9 to 1 vile versus someone who says, 'Thank you.'

SYKES: Now you of course were not the only person to ask a question, but you were the only African-American. So if you had been a white guy and you would have asked the exact same question, do you think you'd be getting this kind of reaction?

HARRIS: Absolutely not. And I would, I... The people, the Americans of African descent who've been writing this stuff in, I'm wondering, and you know this: They didn't take the time to look up the name of the other people who spoke and send them hateful e-mail...

As an American of African descent, I'm catching hell, a can of whoop-ass for supporting this ticket and so that's why I said that. More so than anybody else in that room, I'm catching it just because I'm a conservative and I'm voting for McCain-Palin. And people don't understand when he said, 'Come fight with me. Come fight with me.' Well you know what? I don't see you fighting. Why am I taking all of this heat, man, when I don't see you...?

HARRIS: I had hundreds of people come up to me afterwards and say 'Thank you for saying that. That's exactly what I wanted to say to him. Thank you very much.'

...I had someone, I have to be careful with this... Secret Service came up to me. They're not supposed to be talking to people, and he got the message across, he said, 'I'm an Independent, but I haven't seen anyone who had the, shall I say the gumption, to ask that type of question.'

What does this say about America?

The question of this presidential election has been framed: Are Americans ready to elect a black president?

I think the question should be: Are Americans ready to tolerate a conservative black man?





Anonymous said...

White, black, yellow.... whoever shows up to those McCain rallies is turning them into something raw and ugly.

When Fox News admits it... it must be bad.

Mary said...

"anonymous," 2:20 AM, October 11, 2008--

That's an AP article on the FOX site.

Associated Press, not FOX News.

Anonymous said...

Well certainly Fox, as an independent and objective media company, would not use it if it did not think it was reliable.

When even Fox starts publishing that the McCain rallies are getting ugly and raw... your protestations don't sound very credible.

Anonymous said...

I feel..........f.a.i.n.t......

M.E. said...

Mary, why are you being pestered by this cowardly "anonymous" who doesn't seem to get it about AP stories?!?

But mainly I wanted to comment here to say how sickening it is that Mr. Harris is being attacked by the left ... sickening, but not surprising. Thank you for that post; I'm going to link to it.

Mary said...

I don't know, M.E.

It's awful that James is coming under fire for voicing his opinion.

I wish the media would dwell on that anger and hate.

Anonymous said...

So this conservative talk show host gets all these threatening emails...and he's going to write a book about them...

Give me a break! I don't buy what he's selling.

Do I think there were some Black people who were wholly insulted and irritated by his behavior? Yes.

It is one thing to encourage the candidate of your choice. It is another to push utter BS about another candidate that leads to tirades were he receives REAL death threats and not the PR kind that Mr. Harris wants us to believe he receives...

Anonymous said...

Although I do not think James T Harris deserves death threats, and does have the right to his own opinion. I don't think for one minute he is an innocent victim. He knowingly attended a rally that everyone knows is raising tension, with outbreaks such as "Terrorist", "kill him", and "Arab", and he just grabs the microphone to say SOMETHING. He just wanted to be heard, and was probably looking for some support. So actually HE KNEW what he was doing, sitting close to the front…trying to be seen…so he should have reasonably expected some negative reaction.

Mary said...

I don't think the book thing was entirely serious.

It sounded like just an idea to me. It's not something that's happening. It's not a done deal.

I don't think for one minute he is an innocent victim. He knowingly attended a rally that everyone knows is raising tension, with outbreaks such as "Terrorist", "kill him", and "Arab", and he just grabs the microphone to say SOMETHING.

I was at the same rally James attended. I didn't go into it expecting the sort of unruly behavior that you cited, and I didn't experience anything remotely like that.

It was a patriotic, family-friendly gathering. It was a town hall meeting, not a violent mob.

No one deserves death threats for voicing one's opinion. It's stunning that you're acting as an apologist for such hate. Death threats against his family!

PR death threats?

Come on. I don't think so.

James has the right to say what he thinks without being threatened.

Case closed.

Anonymous said...

The Conservative cover up

The truth is color blind. the truth is a fact, a reality,

no matter what anyone thinks or wants.

Mr. Harris is correct in his fears about Mr. Obama.

Senator Obama did campaign in Kenya, in person,

on taxpayer money, for his radical Muslim cousin R. Odinga.

Odinga's campaign theme was "change" and taking

from the rich and giving to the poor who never earned it.

When Mr. Odinga lost that election his supporters rioted

and herded, in many towns, the black christians into churches

and burned them alive.

These facts are documented in video, voice and printed matter

all the world over.

Because of your silence this is being totally covered up in America.

That cover up is an outrage to morality and truth in all sane

persons in any nation.

Barack Obama has a hidden agenda, easily proven,

which, if elected, or not, will cause a armed revolution in America.

If Obama is elected America will be destroyed and cease to matter

just like Rome, Greece and all the world powers in the past.

Well if you continue the cover up and continue to refuse

to take the truth to the voters you will have been an accessory

to the crime and share in the guilt.

If Senator Obama is not elected his radical Muslim supporters in America, as in Kenya, will riot

and burn parts of Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and other major cities

with a large ethnic population.

If in the remote parts of your conscienceness you believe there

is or may be a god, then also then believe you will be judged and rewarded

by him accordingly.

Mary said...

"anonymous," 2:26 AM, October 13, 2008--

I understand why you would post a comment like that "anonymously."

It's an embarrassment.

Don't try to suggest that what James was talking about is anything like what you've proposed here.

Anonymous said...

God I pray freedom of speach is never suppressed. I know nothing of Mr. Harris except what has been broadcasted. I'm from the rural south and absolutely sick of hearing about racial tensions, or the "race card". One thing that is clear is that race needs to be a non issue. Anyone that brings race to the forefront should be discounted or unseated. I am a mixed blood Native american. History shows we have lost more than anyone in this country. I have worked all my life, helping build the infrastructure of this Country. I have worked thru things like quotas. There are so many things that could be considered wrong or right. Race is a non issue for me, rather, a Real American is an issue for me. We all, like it or not bleed red. Im an Independant and will vote. It will be for someone that holds America a number 1 priority; our security, our economy, our livelyhood, in short our way of life. We must remain the strongest power on the face of the earth or we all loose. Time is now for more people like Mr. Harris to stand up and demand these things.

Anonymous said...

Where do I begin? Unfortunately for Mr. Harris, jumping-to-conclusions is an American past time, not just a problem endemic to the Black community like so many implicitly assert. Although my visceral reaction to the statements he made at the McCain-Palin rally conjured the fervent, negative emotions I associate with the likes of Clarence Thomas, I so hate succumbing to my emotion that I've been combing the internet for 3 days for any evidence that could exonerate the brother. However, anyone who possesses and iota of general and emotional intelligence could've have foreseen his impending infamy. Reality is: Perception is reality and his statement seemed facilitated. As a 25 year old Black man, I don't seek to vilify any of my brethren simply because they hold a dissenting political ideology. In fact, I have many close friends whose world views and social situations are diametrically opposed to mine. I believe as long as one's views can be empirically substantiated, they're entitled to them. Mr. Harris incited the ire of Black folks because, in addition to appearing as a plant, his charge to McCain was to beef-up ad hominem political attacks in-lieu of bolstering his platform on substantive issues. Given the historic ramifications of Barak Obama’s candidacy, it’s not hard to see why so many Black people “dislike” him. After much contemplation and research, I still don’t care for his views much, because I can’t believe any intelligent being supporting a ticket that could possibly make Sarah Palin the President of the Free World…forget about my ambivalence towards Sen. McCain. I say all this to say, that the “Black response” to Mr. Harris’ provocative call-to-arms is much more nuanced and dynamic than the media would like to admit. We don’t all get behind a candidate because he looks like us, and issue charges to those who dissent of being an Uncle Tom simply for the sake of convenience. So, please don’t relegate the treatment of Mr. Harris to the same trivial, thoughtless process.

Mary said...

Rodman, your attempt to excuse the "lynching" of James T. Harris fails.

Mr. Harris incited the ire of Black folks because, in addition to appearing as a plant, his charge to McCain was to beef-up ad hominem political attacks in-lieu of bolstering his platform on substantive issues.

"Appearing as a plant"?

Why is it assumed that he was a plant?

A black man is not allowed to support McCain-Palin?

A black man is not allowed to hold conservative views?

How racist!

James can't be faulted for voicing his opinion, for exercising his freedom of speech. He shouldn't have to prove that he was not a plant or be held responsible because people unfairly assume that he was.

Furthermore, a candidate's character, judgment, and honesty are substantive issues in a campaign.

Exposing the real Obama, something the media have failed to do adequately, is a relevant matter. The voters need to know in order to make an informed choice.

James was not asking McCain to smear Obama. He was asking him to address the whole truth.

Under no circumtances does one send vile e-mail and issue death threats.

There is no nuance that can lend credence to such behavior.

Anonymous said...

After 8 yrs of McBush down right reckless policies what we deserve candidates who address the real issues and not engaging in a mud throwing contest.
You're just a vile person, I'm black too and I don't like either Farrakhan or Jessie Jackson but at least Obama's rallies are uplifting and positive. You're promoting more hate and division that's why people are mad at you specially in the Black community. Why aren't denouncing the hateful insults and slurs at McCain rallies? Please you're pathetic and hopefully soon irrelevant.
THAT ONE/ THE OTHER ONE '08 all the way!!!

Anonymous said...

Listen Mary, I am a staunch proponent for free speech. I vehemently repudiate anyone who resorts to issuing death threats simply because one holds an unpopular opinion. Never once did I indicate, either implictly or explicitly, that I sympathized with anyone sending death threats to Mr. Harris. I believe any objective reader of my comments would clearly see that its focus was challenging Mr. Harris judgement and expectation after making such a pitiful, lame, and disingenuous entreaty to John McCain; especially given the heightened racial sensitivity during this historic campaign.

Secondly, I'm not a politician so I don't have to dress up my rhetoric for expediency. The modern Republican party does nothing to promote the interest of the broad majority of African-Americans, hence the meager turnout at said event. A Black man as outspoken as Mr Harris will always have his dissenting ideology scrutinized at face value. A racist, I am not! A pragmatist I am!

Mary said...

I'll repeat:

What does this say about America?

The question of this presidential election has been framed: Are Americans ready to elect a black president?

I think the question should be: Are Americans ready to tolerate a conservative black man?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Singleton makes a very good point.

As an african-american male watching Harris beg at the feet of John Mc Cain instantly conjured up images of the slave begging the master for mercy, etc: I feel as though African Americans have been trying to put this negative image of the superior white man and powerless black man behind us for many years. It was just painful to watch! I could care less if he was republican.

Mary said...

The only way James' remarks can be construed as reminiscent of a "slave begging the master for mercy" is if one holds to the belief that all people are not created equal.

James was not the only rally attendee to ask McCain to do something.

I wouldn't get hung up on the word "begging."

James was hardly in a position of subservience when he told the Republican nominee for president of the United States that he has not been living up to the promises he made to his supporters.

Although he wasn't disrespectful, James was actually taking McCain to task, not begging for mercy.

Anonymous said...

As a registered republican and a conservative..I was shocked. James you looked scripted, planted and set up to be the defining "token" looking for approbation from the McCain and that mindless wonder Palin. What I felt the most sorry for was the clearly endless jokes and comedians that will portray this for exactly what it is: pandering to the black vote using your comment to fuel the crazed McCain bitterly racist mobs to incite the view “Well see der Billy Bob…his own kin can’t stand hymm”. You are entitled to your opinion and entitled to express your views however you deem appropriate. With that said James your people (and I emphasize this because McCain and his like do not consider you …his people) will view this for what it is. They will see a man that studied history and sociology and is clearly successful, bright and full of promise. With all that promise they (on both sides) will view your actions as pandering to a man that represents a position in direct conflict with African American history, culture and experiences. Your people will see this for what it is, an debasement of your successes (at the least…of your brand as a radio show host and motivational speaker) and for what?? What did that really accomplish? Republicans laugh at that trite attempt to win over African Americans, African Americans cringle as the sight of you making that statement and 3:1 will view you as a sellout. "The first who attracts the eye, the first in enlightenment, in power and in happiness, is the white man, the European, man par excellence; below him appear the Negro and the Indian. These two unfortunate races have neither birth, nor face, nor language, nor more in common; only their misfortunes look alike. Both occupy an equally inferior position in the country that they inhabit; both experience the effects of tyranny; and if their miseries are different, they can accuse the same author for them." -Alexis de Tocqueville. How much if this James in the eyes of the country (and the world for that matter) has changed?? How much of this James has really changed. How much good did your comment do? There is great pain in the juxtaposing of the price paid to make it possible for you to make that statement and the facile worth it had even for your own party.

Anonymous said...

Alright now Mary, what a smug remark that seems you left us:

"Who's enslaving whom?"

It's those types of remarks that make me question the collective intelligence quotient of this country...How did you come up with that line? Is there a "Stupid Shit I Can Say When I Don't Have A Point Manual" floating around Barnes & Noble somewhere?

You seem very eager to withdraw from the relevant discourse we've been having over the past two days, which has been about the validity of Black backlash following Mr. Harris' impolitic remark, and digress to the same trite retort suggesting that Black people who repudiate the untoward opinions of "conservative" Blacks are irrational. Drawing such an specious parallel between how myself and others feel about Mr. Harris' mouth-problem and slave-mongering is both offensive and ignorant. I can't say I'm surprised though, given that you are probably from the same political cloth as the rest of these "conservatives" who are infamous for drawing straw arguments when cornered by sound, superior reasoning.

Let's agree to disagree that at the root of this particular situation lies two opposing political viewpoints and choices for POTUS/VPOTUS, and no one REALLY gives two shits about James T. Harris. He should thank us all, he'll have a lucrative book deal coming soon. We reward stupidity in America, just look at Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity's success.Obama/Biden 2008!

Mary said...

e, James was not a plant.

Rodman, my question is sincere. It's not smug, nor is it unreasonable in my opinion.

I mean no disrespect. Please don't lash out at me.

I do find it disheartening that James is coming under such criticism for exercising his right to free speech.

As I said, I do not think that James was speaking from a position of subservience when he addressed McCain. To the contrary, he was chastising a would-be president of the United States for not living up to his promises.

This discussion has been enlightening. I've seen that if an American of African descent aligns himself with a conservative, he is viciously maligned.

Disagree with James. Fine. But all this sliming and these horrible threats?

It's awful.

To all those attacking James: I'm begging you to show some tolerance and allow him to exercise his rights under the Constitution and the free will granted to him by God.

Anonymous said...

Dear James T. Harris,

I just saw your interview on CNN with Shelley someone-or-other, and had to find you. Here I am.

I admired the fact that you stood on your unwavering principles, and you spoke it straight out to Shelley what's his name... even better yet my most favorite part was when you walked out after setting everybody straight on global TV... what a watermark statement of exclamation! You're a man of true conviction. Conviction, courage, steadfastness, and character do not have a color, sir.

An anonymous poster here stated the conditions of Kenya when the cousin lost the election. Many things mentioned in that post are correct. All that has been exposed so far on Obama has been correct. No matter how loud people shout, it doesn't change what and who Obama is. And whether he wins or not, ALL America will be in for a very rude awakening.

Whatever they say against you does not reflect who you are. You know who you are. Just stand.

Father God in the name of Jesus I push back the forces of darkness and pray you release your angels to make up a hedge around about James and all his family members. I pray that you give him entrepreneurial ideas based from the personal experiences conceived by his stand for what is right. Open doors for James that no man can shut, and make the path clear for him. May James be blessed going out and blessed coming in. Amen! SO BE IT.

From a white, female paralegal, Bible teacher, proud American, figher for what is right, defender of the cause of Jesus Christ. Do I make myself clear?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to infuse God's will into matters of politics. HIS will is exactly how I stated it...HIS, not yours or mine. You aren't serving Christianity or your reputation as being sane well by assuming that God endorses you and Mr. Harris' viewpoint. I could elaborate on how sacrilegious your statement is...but why bother!

To you Mary,

I get out of hand sometimes when I feel like I've been unjustly accused, so I apologize if I took your comments out of context. I truly value learning, which entails being receptive to others' opinions even when I disagree. Hope I can debate with you on another topic in the future, but I'm retired from this one.

Anonymous said...

Rodman L Singleton said...
Dear Anonymous,

You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to infuse God's will into matters of politics. HIS will is exactly how I stated it...HIS, not yours or mine. You aren't serving Christianity or your reputation as being sane well by assuming that God endorses you and Mr. Harris' viewpoint. I could elaborate on how sacrilegious your statement is...but why bother!

If you're speaking to me, I infuse God's will into everything every day. And when I see the enemy rising in our country, I infuse the power of His written Word. I'm ashamed of NOTHING, and afraid of NO ONE. I'm not a follower, I'm a leader. I'm not one to be dictated what to pray, what to say, how to say it, or how to please you. I don't believe in, nor use, political correctness. I had acknowledged by writing to Mr. Harris that I'm in total absolute agreement with his recent comments on the CNN interview. And I stand by it. I don't shy away so well from the "bullying" tactic. I'm not easily intimidated, although I allow for others to voice their opinions. Again, I say I could not have been more pleased than to see James Harris stand up and walk off the interview. I applaud him. I applaud him because he has the revelation of what is really taking place behind the election votes. It’s not about color or the economy either. If everyone would stop arguing and research both candidates on the net, you would find evidence that would better assist in helping each person to make a proper decision. For those sending hate mail or threats to a black man for not voting the first black man into office is un-American. James Harris is free to vote whichever candidate he believes in, just like you.

You can trash the sacrilegious mumbo jumbo... sacrilegious are those people who play church. And I may have hit a cord with you... I'm willing to bet you sold your soul for a bowl of porridge, and you've convinced yourself you're so far gone, you can't find your way back. I say, Jesus Christ loves you with a pure and deep love so much so that He bled alive just for you and me. This nation has come to its crossroads. Like James Harris, I am not selling out, because we know we have the better deal at the end of this journey. Now,... the choice is yours. I’m not bantering back and forth here – I’ve said my word and that settles it.


From a white, female, paralegal, Bible teacher, proud American, figher for what is right, defender of the cause of Jesus Christ.