Tuesday, January 13, 2009

David Gregory, Barack Obama, and the "Huxtable Effect"

This past Sunday, Bill Cosby was a guest on Meet the Press.

David Gregory actually raised the notion that The Cosby Show played a role in getting Barack Obama elected.


MR. GREGORY: It's interesting, Bill Cosby, to tie a couple of these things together. There's actually been some research done by the so-called "Huxtable effect"; referring, of course, to your program "The Cosby Show," which we all watched in, in the '80s. There was something you said about this that, that comes together, which is what this family demonstrated is that they were in control of their kids, they weren't losing to their kids, which is something I said to my wife last night. I said--or actually, I said to my six-year-old. I said, "No, son, I'm the boss here."

MR. COSBY: That's exactly right.

MR. GREGORY: How important was that show, do you think, in paving the way for Obama's success?

MR. COSBY: I, I, I don't know. I--look, that show's always--it was 25 years ago, so certainly it should have hit somebody before it hit Obama.

So Gregory thinks that The Cosby Show played a role in paving the way for Obama's success?

That's quite a stretch there, Stretch.

What did Gregory think Cosby would say?

"Yes, without my show, Obama would never be days away from being inaugurated the 44th president of the United States. I helped make Obama. He'd be nothing without me."

That's ridiculous.

No disrespect to The Cosby Show, but the Huxtables aren't responsible for Obama's success.

Anyway, I thought the "Huxtable effect" had something to do with middle-aged men wearing very colorful, patterned sweaters.


  1. An African American Middle Class Family starting in 1984 and during a period where blatant racism still existed, that was rated number 1 on the neilsons for whites and blacks, Promoting African American Culture unlike the Jeffersons, and pushing forward with new ideas about the Afircan American Family in the US familiarizing White people with the family, one which Obama some what resumbles in the clean cut successful black dude, yeah, that had no impact on white america. of course it did and anyone who does not think so, does not think.

  2. As a white middle class child of the 80's I'd say I was definitely affected by television and most notably by the show ALF (Alien Life Form). It made me really think about the person inside that fuzzy alien body. It told me not to judge someone before really getting to know them. And most importantly it taught me to lock up my cats because Melmacians love the taste of feline.


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