Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mickey Rourke and Darren Aronofsky's Finger

At the 66th annual Golden Globe Awards, televised live on NBC, Mickey Rourke won for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama.

In addition to getting the award for his performance in The Wrestler, Rourke got the finger -- from the film's director.

Walking up the stairs to the stage, Rourke stumbled a bit. It seemed like a potential train wreck in the making. It wasn't. His acceptance speech was remarkably coherent. Sure, the speech was crude here and there, but overall, I thought it was rather touching.


MICKEY ROURKE: It's been a very long road back for me. And I'm not a really good public speaker. I was kind of hoping Robert Downey would come up here and talk for me a little bit... But anway, several years ago, I was almost out of this business. And a young man kind of got in touch with me, and he kind of put his whole career on the line by representing me and saying he wanted to, you know, represent me. He did a hell of a job, so I want to thank David Unger for having the balls to... I want to thank his boss at ICM, Jeff Berg, for not putting him back in the mail room.

Rourke had words of thanks for director Darren Aronofsky. At first, Aronofsky responded to the praise by blowing Rourke a little kiss, a thank-you.

ROURKE: I worked with a really special director that had to really fight hard for me to be in this movie 'cause he couldn't get no money on my name. And Darren Aronofsky, I've said this... you know, I've said this before: Every... in like sports especially, which I can relate to, really great players or directors, they come around every 30 years, and I really truly believe that Darren is one of those cats. And it's just such a... he brought the best out in me. And uh, he hates it when I say he's tough but he is, uh, he is one tough son of a bitch.

When the camera was focused on Aronofsky, he gave Rourke the finger. It was a good-natured gesture.

NBC did not cut away. It wasn't until Aronofsky withdrew his finger that Rourke was back on screen.

So will the FCC fine NBC?

Apparently, the incident was blacked out on the West Coast.


Rourke chuckled, then continued.

ROURKE: And if you're not in shape, the man will bring you down, 'cause I always say he's smarter than the rest of us. Maybe not Steven [Spielberg], but you know...

Of course, Rourke paid tribute to the cast, too.

He also thanked his dogs.

ROURKE: I'd like to thank all my dogs, the ones who are here and the ones that aren't here anymore; because sometimes when a man's alone that's all you got is your dog. And they meant the world to me.

That's a bit unusual, not your typical shout-out in an acceptance speech, but I think it was sweet of him to mention his dogs.


  1. He's right. He has been through so much and can't even keep a relationship going. When you don't know how to treat yourself good enough (or in his case he treated himself too good at first and now is deeply humbled) then you can't treat anyone else well either. All you have is the animals that love you unconditionally. It really is a sad statement of how desperately lonely Rourke must have felt for years. Just because he was a jerk in the past does not mean he doesn't deserve some love. See LOST character Sawyer.

  2. I thought it was really moving when Rourke thanked his dogs.

    Way too often, people are so thoughtless. They treat each other like crap. They say such hurtful things.

    The unconditional love you get from animals is so comforting. They aren't judgmental. They don't call you inadequate. They don't belittle you for screwing up. They don't reject you. They're just happy to be with you.

    I understood what Rourke was talking about when he said his dogs meant the world to him.

  3. i didn't think Mickey Rourke would ever show up in public again, then there he was, winning big at the Golden Globes


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