Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Matt Lauer and Barack Obama: Super Bowl Pre-Game

UPDATE, February 1, 2009: Obama and Jessica Simpson's "Weight Battle"

Video of the interview.


Bring on the Dip for your Super Bowl Festivities!

No, I'm not talking about food for the big game, though here are some thoughts on that from Laura Kurella, including recipes for dips.

I'm talking about Matt Lauer's interview with Barack Obama.

Here's the big announcement:


The Interview Will Air Live From The White House Sunday, February 1 During NBC's Super Bowl Pre-Game

More of the Interview Will Air Monday, February 2 on NBC News' "Today"

NEW YORK - January 26, 2009 - - NBC News' Matt Lauer will sit down with President Barack Obama for a live interview during NBC's Super Bowl Pre-Game. The interview will be the President's first television interview from the White House since his inauguration. The live interview will air Sunday, February 1 during NBC's Super Bowl Pre-Game. More of the interview will air Monday, February 2 on NBC News' "Today."

NBC Sports' coverage of the Super Bowl begins at Noon ET, Sunday, February 1. Jim Bell is the executive producer of "Today" (Mon.-Fri., 7-11 a.m.).


Barack Obama will be part of NBC's 5-hour pre-game show.

That's just great. Inject politics into the Super Bowl coverage. Wonderful.

Lauer's chat with Obama will be broadcast live from the White House!

It's Obama's first interview with "an American television network since he was sworn in last week."

Of course, Obama's very first interview went to the Arabic cable TV network Al-Arabiya, where he took the opportunity to appeal to the Arab world by dissing America.

Matt Lauer was a guest on Late Night with Conan O'Brien last night. Lauer talked about the Super Obama interview.

(Screen grab/NBC)

CONAN O'BRIEN: This is, this is where our lives do definitely not converge. Uh, we, uh...I'm in this very silly side of show business. You have a very important assignment. You're going to the White House on Sunday and you are going to interview Barack Obama, President Obama.

MATT LAUER: It's Super Bowl Sunday, this coming Sunday. NBC has the game. Right? Yeah? OK? NBC has the game, and instead of going to Tampa, I'm actually... The whole show is going to Tampa, but I'm going to go to Washington, and as part of the pre-game show, I'm going to sit down live with President Obama about an hour before kick-off. So I'm excited about that.

O'BRIEN: Now is there any chance that let's say the interview runs a little long, he's a football fan...

LAUER: Right.

O'BRIEN: Would you be able to watch, possibly, potentially watch the Super Bowl with the president?

LAUER: He said, 'No,' but...

LAUER: But it's gonna be good. It should be great. He'll have been president for 13 days, and it will be his first real sit-down interview. It's gonna be great. I'm looking forward to it. About an hour before kick-off.

So, just an hour before kick-off, Lauer is going to interview Obama.

Are football fans going to be in the mood for that?

If Lauer and Obama just engage in small talk about football, that wouldn't be too bad. But if they get into anything substantive and at all political, that will be completely out of place.

When Lauer was talking to O'Brien about the interview, he was promoting it as Obama's "first real sit-down interview." It sounds like Lauer plans to discuss the FIRST 13 DAYS. It appears that the interview isn't just going to be about the Super Bowl.

That will bring the pre-game show to a screeching halt. And just an hour before kick-off!

Does Obama have to co-opt the Super Bowl? Can't the guy step out of the spotlight for just a little while?

Enough already!

This is too much.

Odds are good political hack and super dip Keith Olbermann will wreck the coverage on his own. Toss in this out of place Obama/Lauer tête-à-tête and you come up with a really annoying pre-game show.

Thank God for the commercials.


  1. Obama is going to be the "Media Presiden." He is going to use every available media outlet to promote himself and spread his smokescreen.

    He will probably spend as much time making himself available to the media as he does doing anything else.

    Watch what he does, not what he says. He's an Alinsky radical with all the tools at his fingertips.

  2. Check out this Super Bowl video for the AUA! With practically the entire nation tuned in, AUA is using Super Bowl Sunday to spread awareness about Prostate Cancer.

  3. I think Matt Lauer is the biggest prick for the way he talked to Obama. He treated him with total disrespect and lack of regard for his position as the President of the US. Furthermore, he should have kept it light since this was a pregame interview before the super bowl instead he was asking controversial questions where it really wasn't the right time or place for him to be asking. His true lack of class really showed when he started asking Obama for Oprah's ph #, as well as showing him the picture of the magazine where his pic was removed. What a putz a guy like Matt Lauer should have NO BUSINESS interviewing any high profile people especially the President of the US. Who ever chose him to interview Obama should be canned and he should be canned as well. What an embarrassment to the Nation. They even had to pause it so that they can tell this douche bag to lighten up the conversation and instead he ends up insulting the President. Matt Lauer ended his coversation with the President by saying he will send him an email. As if the commander and chief of our nation would have the time to read his crap. He also asked about the confidential documents and if the american people were to see them how would we react. You would think the word confidential would mean something but not to Matt Lauer he apprently thinks our President should breach security by telling us. Good job Matt Lauer for being the biggest dick head on the planet and good job nbc for choosing him to represent you for this monumental interview.

  4. I think Matt Lauer is the biggest prick for the way he talked to Obama. He treated him with total disrespect and lack of regard for his position as the President of the US. Furthermore, he should have kept it light since this was a pregame interview before the super bowl instead he was asking controversial questions where it really wasn't the right time or place for him to be asking. His true lack of class really showed when he started asking Obama for Oprah's ph #, as well as showing him the picture of the magazine where his pic was removed. What a putz a guy like Matt Lauer should have NO BUSINESS interviewing any high profile people especially the President of the US. Who ever chose him to interview Obama should be canned and he should be canned as well. What an embarrassment to the Nation. They even had to pause it so that they can tell this douche bag to lighten up the conversation and instead he ends up insulting the President. Matt Lauer ended his coversation with the President by saying he will send him an email. As if the commander and chief of our nation would have the time to read his crap. He also asked about the confidential documents and if the american people were to see them how would we react. You would think the word confidential would mean something but not to Matt Lauer he apprently thinks our President should breach security by telling us. Good job Matt Lauer for being the biggest dick head on the planet and good job nbc for choosing him to represent you for this monumental interview.

  5. MSNBC Blows for their bias opinion of Obama. I think you're all a bunch of cowards for cutting up that interview and then calling copyright infringment on the video in it's entirity on youtube. MSNBC is great at lying to America and trying to reshape people's thoughts and opinions. Why can't you just tell the truth? Afraid of offending someone like Eddie the idiot there who thinks that Matt asked for Oprah's #. Don't worry you've got him brainwashed already. The rest of us who are actually awake don't appreciate your tactics.


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