Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Switch to Digital Delayed (or Not)

You can forget about that February 17 deadline.

The switch is off, at least for a while.

The headline from Reuters: House passes DTV delay, ensuring passage

WASHINGTON (Reuters)- The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a bill to delay the nationwide switch to digital television signals by about four months, the final step that virtually ensures final passage.

The transition date would move to June 12 from February 17 under the effort, which has been fueled by worries that 20 million mostly poor, elderly and rural households were not technically ready for the congressionally mandated switch.

President Barack Obama backs an extension and the Senate passed the bill seeking a delay earlier this week.


An AP NewsAlert:

WASHINGTON (AP) - House defeats bill that would have delayed analog TV shutdown to June 12.

Here's more from AP: House defeats bill to delay digital TV transition

The House has defeated a bill to postpone the upcoming transition from analog to digital television broadcasting by four months to June 12.

House Republicans succeeded in scuttling a bill to delay the transition, which is scheduled for Feb. 17, less than two days after the Senate unanimously passed the plan.

The defeat is a setback for the Obama administration and Democrats on Capitol Hill, who fear too many Americans are not ready for the switchover.

The Nielsen Co. estimates more than 6.5 million U.S. households that rely on analog television sets to pick up over-the-air broadcast signals could see their TV sets go dark next month if the transition is not postponed.

Reuters and the Associated Press can't both be right.

UPDATE: It's been half an hour and Reuters is sticking with its story. Another proud moment for the lib media.

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