Friday, February 6, 2009

David Obey: "SO WHAT?"

Andrea Seabrook writes:
U.S. Rep. David Obey (D-WI), the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, helped write the bill and says he doesn't like being asked about earmarks.

"We simply made a decision, which took about three seconds, not to have earmarks in the bill," he says. "And with all due respect, that's the least important question facing us on putting together this package."

Leaving out the earmarks does mean Congress will have less control over how the money is spent. But, Obey says, "So what? This is an emergency. We've got to simply find a way to get this done as fast as possible and as well as possible, and that's what we're doing."

That doesn't mean Congress will be responsible if the money is spent badly, he says.

"The person who spends the money badly will be responsible. We are simply trying to build as many protections in as possible," Obey says. "We have more oversight built into this package than any package in the history of man. If money is spent badly, we want to know about it so we can hold accountable the people who made that choice. And guess what? Regardless of what we do, there will be some stupid decisions made."

When DEMOCRAT David Obey, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, says "So what?" when it comes to waste in the stimulus bill, it's very, very telling. That sums up the Dems' attitude about spending perfectly.

Passing a bill packed with waste is no way to "stimulate" the economy.

Obey is picking up Obama's "catastrophe" rhetoric. "THIS IS AN EMERGENCY."

If such a catastrophe is looming, then they better be certain that the bill will do no harm BEFORE passing it.

Obey, Obama, and the Dems are fearful, so they're trying to panic the American people. Time is not on their side. An informed public is their enemy. They have reason to be afraid. The truth is not their friend.

The bill is a disaster.

Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending

THE TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING PLAN: Why Spending Does Not Equal Stimulus



[The Congressional Budget Office] estimates that less than 21% of the funds would be spent in 2009. Apparently, it is a huge crisis which requires swift action (and no time to read bill text) to pass a massive spending bill --- but there seems to be no hurry at all to get the money into the American economy anytime soon.

So what?

I don't think so, Mr. Obey. That doesn't fly with the American people.



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