Sunday, February 15, 2009

Obama Will Sign Stimulus in Denver

Barack Obama will sign the so-called economic stimulus bill in Denver on Tuesday.

DENVER -- President Barack Obama is coming to Colorado to sign the most important bill of his young presidency.

Mr. Obama plans to sign the newly passed $787 billion economic stimulus bill in Denver on Tuesday.

Like the rest of the lib media, this Associated Press article puts the bill's price tag at $787 billion.

That's misleading. The true cost of the bill is actually more like $3.27 trillion.

But why quibble over a couple of trillion dollars?

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science told patrons it would be the site of the signing. Further details weren't immediately announced Saturday, but the visit was previously announced as part of Mr. Obama's tour to convince Americans that the stimulus plan will get the job done. His schedule listed a visit to Phoenix on Wednesday to talk about home foreclosures.

...On Saturday Mr. Obama celebrated the newly passed $787 billion economic stimulus bill as a "major milestone on our road to recovery." The bill passed Friday.

Speaking in his weekly radio and Internet address, Mr. Obama said, "I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we'll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work doing the work America needs done."

At the same time, he cautioned, "This historic step won't be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but rather the beginning. The problems that led us into this crisis are deep and widespread, and our response must be equal to the task."

Of course "this historic step won't be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but rather the beginning."

No, the revolution set in motion by Obama and his army of far-Left extremists isn't anywhere near the end. This is just the beginning move in altering America's economy.

The government has only begun to intervene and seize control. It will take a while to dismantle the private sector and strip citizens of their freedoms. The American system won't become unrecognizable overnight, but it's on the fast track to socialism.

I wonder how difficult it will be for Obama to sign the so-called stimulus bill. When it comes to signing it, he won't have the option of writing "present" instead of his name. As president, Obama will actually have to take a stand and be held accountable.

When you're president, "present" doesn't cut it.


Speaking of "present" votes, that's how Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) cast his vote for the stimulus bill - "present."
"I voted present out of principle,'' Lipinksi told Tribune's Washington Bureau after the vote. "I believe that we need a stimulus bill, but this bill did not do enough. I am particularly concerned that there is not enough in this bill to create jobs, especially money for transportation infrastructure.''

The Chicago-area congressman says he is disappointed in cuts for airport, bridge and mass transit funding in the compromise that leaders reached. There was more of what he was seeking in the original House bill, which fell out of the conference report in House and Senate negotiations.

"I did not want to say no,'' he said of his noncommittal vote, and maintains that leaders did not pressure him in his vote.

"I didn't want to stand in the way of passing the stimulus bill,'' Lipinski said. "I did not want to embarrass President Obama, but I don't think Congress did Obama any favors in the way this bill was put together. I wanted to send the message that we needed to do more.''



  1. Then why did the Congress have to be in such a hurry to pass the damnable thing without any public scrutiny?

    The most transparent government in history? My aching arse.

  2. And, how in the Sam Hill is Obama flying to Chicago with two 747's, and a cargo jet with his vehicles in it, any different than the executives flying to exclusive resorts? Oh yeah, Obama's trip costs a lot more and the United States public is paying directly for their little unnecessary dinner trip. Not to mention the carbon footprint... Where is the liberal environmentalist outrage?


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