Sunday, February 15, 2009

SNL: Dan Aykroyd as John Boehner

Dan Aykroyd returned to Saturday Night Live on February 14, 2009, to portray Republican minority leader John Boehner.

Aykroyd as Boehner was conducting a "Republican Congressional Leadership Meeting."

The Republicans were portrayed as utter buffoons.

There was a heated disagreement between Republican members about Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

WILL FORTE: Hannity's brilliant.

ANDY SAMBERG: Yeah, smartest man in America.

JASON SUDEIKIS: No wait a minute. Sean Hannity's the smartest man in America?

SAMBERG: In my opinion, yes.

SUDEIKIS: Smarter than Rush?

SAMBERG: I think he's as smart as Rush.

SUDEIKIS: No, that's idiotic. No, no one is as smart as Rush Limbaugh. NO ONE!

They also discussed impeaching Obama, but decided it was too soon. They would wait, maybe until April.

They also strategized on launching an attack against Barack Obama's daughters.

SAMBERG: Unless I'm politically tone deaf, the whole the country is waiting to see those Obama kids taken down a peg, especially the younger one.

AYKROYD: I agree. Going after the Obama girls is political gold.

After deciding to pursue that plan, Aykroyd held up a large poster of Obama's two daughters with the words "WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE?"
AYKROYD: Majority -- here we come!


The Democrats were spared ridicule. SNL remains an Obama mocking-free zone.

No surprise. The Obama honeymoon is still going strong, with no end in sight.


John Romano writes:
If you can make it through the entire six minutes your next trip to the DMV should be a piece of cake.

If this is the best SNL has, the show is in trouble. I think the writers are too close to the subject on this one. The skit comes across more mockery than comedy (which is par for the course when dealing with the 58 million, in their mind, racist, homo-phobe, Bush-loving, McCain voters.)


  1. Emotional personal attacks from a liberal...color me surprised.

    It boggles my mind when SNL completely misses the mark like they did this weekend. The jokes are already written. No one has read the damn bill. NO ONE! It's over a thousand pages long! No one knows what they're signing! Joe Biden thinks it has a 30% chance of failure! If it wasn't so serious it would be hilarious. The jokes are there. Use em!

  2. Sadly this is what actually occurs when the Party of No has a meeting. That and Praising the brilliance of Samuel JOE the Plumber Worstenbacker. A fake uneducated plumber. Sadly this is not the republican party where intelligence lives. Lindsay Graham wants to nationalize the banks.


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