Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rod Blagojevich and David Letterman

Disgraced DEMOCRAT, impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is continuing his media blitz.

Tuesday's stop: Late Night with David Letterman.

I don't know why Blagojevich would want to take on Letterman. He was guaranteed to be mocked and ridiculed; and of course, he was.

I didn't hear much of Letterman's monologue, but I did catch a lame George W. Bush joke.

Letterman said, "Some of these jokes are leftover."

No kidding.

Before Blagojevich was introduced, Letterman did a bit that worked off of Christian Bale's F-bomb loaded meltdown on the set of his movie Terminator Salvation. It was funny enough. At least it was something that had nothing to do with Sarah Palin.

He also did the night's Top Ten List, "Michael Phelps Excuses".

After that, Letterman introduced Blagojevich. He entered with the band playing "My Way." Appropriate.

Some of the interview was serious. Some was just plain goofy, typical Letterman stuff.

Blagojevich was on for three segments.

Here's some video.

Full Transcript

Blagojevich kept saying that he will be vindicated.

Letterman didn't seem to be convinced.

I don't often agree with Letterman but I do in this case.

Here's how the interview ended:

DAVID LETTERMAN: "Do you think I've done anything wrong?" (audience laughs)

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: "I think some of your questions have been kind of tough. But other than that, no, I think you've been pretty good." (audience laughs)

LETTERMAN: "Now are you going to continue to be on TV?"

BLAGOJEVICH: "Well, look - I don't know - are you going to invite me back?" (audience laughs)

LETTERMAN: "Well, I mean, just in terms of filling time, you've been tremendous."

BLAGOJEVICH: "Have I? Okay." (laughs; audience laughs)

LETTERMAN: "So, you know, based on that, why not?" (audience laughs)

BLAGOJEVICH: "Can I just say this? Look, generally, if you've done something wrong and you know it, you're in some corner hiding out. You're not out and about proclaiming your innocence. And again, I know this is a little bit unusual, I appreciate that. And I appreciate you giving me a chance to be on your program. But I believe that, you know, a man's reputation sums up who he is. And especially when you have children, when these things are being said, the least I can do for my kids, so they don't feel like their dad's the guy some people are saying he is, is to assert over and over again that I've done nothing wrong. And you've given me a chance to do it and I'm grateful."

LETTERMAN: "Yeah. And everybody's given you that chance. And like I said earlier, the more you hear a guy say, 'I've done nothing wrong,' and the more you hear a guy say, 'I didn't have a chance to defend myself,' the more you begin to think, 'Eh...something wrong here.'"

BLAGOJEVICH: "Well, let me say two things: one, that's the truth; and two, I'm glad you're not going to sit on that jury in Illinois." (audience laughs)

LETTERMAN: "Yeah. Did you hear the joke about the Governor in the penitentiary? Food was better when you were the Governor." (audience laughs) "Well, we'll certainly keep our eye on you."

BLAGOJEVICH: (laughs) "Okay."

LETTERMAN: "It's a fascinating story."

BLAGOJEVICH: "Thanks for having me. I appreciate it."

LETTERMAN: "Rod Blagojevich, ladies and gentlemen." (audience applauds)


This is weird. I had to do a screen grab.

Look at this headline, from the Chicago Tribune:

Don't the geniuses at the Tribune know that Letterman is NOT the host of the 'Tonight Show'?

That would be Jay Leno. Unbelievable.

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