Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sycloria Williams' Abortion

UPDATE, February 18, 2009: Sycloria Williams Tells Her Story

The utter gruesomeness of late-term abortions cannot be exaggerated. They are horrific procedures. But there are instances when even this horrific procedure becomes more ghastly and shocking to the senses.

Fla. doctor investigated in badly botched abortion

Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her 23-week pregnancy.

Three days later, she sat in a reclining chair, medicated to dilate her cervix and otherwise get her ready for the procedure.

Only Renelique didn't arrive in time. According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.

What Williams and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic's owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant's umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.

Police recovered the decomposing remains in a cardboard box a week later after getting anonymous tips.

"I don't care what your politics are, what your morals are, this should not be happening in our community," said Tom Pennekamp, a Miami attorney representing Williams in her lawsuit against Renelique (ren-uh-LEEK') and the clinic owners.

The state Board of Medicine is to hear Renelique's case in Tampa on Friday and determine whether to strip his license. The state attorney's homicide division is investigating, though no charges have been filed. Terry Chavez, a spokeswoman with the Miami-Dade County State Attorney's Office, said this week that prosecutors were nearing a decision.

...The case has riled the anti-abortion community, which contends the clinic's actions constitute murder.

That last sentence is priceless.

The anti-abortion community "contends the clinic's actions constitute murder."

What would you call it?

A baby was born alive and the infant was tossed in a plastic biohazard bag and thrown out.

If that's not murder, I don't what is.

Russ Feingold might not call it murder.

On September 26, 1996, during debate on partial birth abortion, Feingold revealed just how extreme his views are.

The exchange is chilling, so chilling that Feingold thought better of it and had the Congressional Record


Sen. Santorum: Will the Senator from Wisconsin yield for a question?

Sen. Feingold: I will.

Sen. Santorum: The Senator from Wisconsin says that this decision should be left up to the mother and the doctor, as if there is absolutely no limit that could be placed on what decision that they make with respect to that. And the Senator from California [Sen. Barbara Boxer] is going up to advise you of what my question is going to be, and I will ask it anyway. And my question is this: that if that baby were delivered breech style and everything was delivered except for the head, and for some reason that that baby's head would slip out -- that the baby was completely delivered -- would it then still be up to the doctor and the mother to decide whether to kill that baby?

Sen. Feingold: I would simply answer your question by saying under the Boxer amendment, the standard of saying it has to be a determination, by a doctor, of health of the mother, is a sufficient standard that would apply to that situation. And that would be an adequate standard.

Sen. Santorum: That doesn't answer the question. Let's assume that this procedure is being performed for the reason that you've stated, and the head is accidentally delivered. Would you allow the doctor to kill the baby?

Sen. Feingold: I am not the person to be answering that question. That is a question that should be answered by a doctor, and by the woman who receives advice from the doctor. And neither I, nor is the Senator from Pennsylvania, truly competent to answer those questions. That is why we should not be making those decisions here on the floor of the Senate.

Every time I read what Feingold said I am absolutely sickened.

I suppose Barack Obama supports Sycloria Williams' choice. Why should she be "punished with a baby"?

FACT: Sycloria Williams chose to murder her daughter in the 23rd week of her baby girl's development.

Her daughter was born ALIVE, because the abortionist arrived too late to kill her baby before she could take her first breaths. Williams' baby girl was literally thrown in the garbage.

And now, Williams' traumatic experience has prompted her to sue.

More on the lawsuit here.
Renelique gave Williams laminaria, a drug that dilates the cervix, and prescribed three other medications, according to the administrative complaint filed by the Health Department. She was told to go to yet another clinic, A Gyn Diagnostic Center in Hialeah, where the procedure would be performed the next day, on July 20, 2006.

Williams arrived in the morning and was given more medication.

The Department of Health account continues as follows: Just before noon she began to feel ill. The clinic contacted Renelique. Two hours later, he still hadn't shown up. Williams went into labor and delivered the baby.

"She came face to face with a human being," Pennekamp said. "And that changed everything."

The complaint says one of the clinic owners, Belkis Gonzalez came in and cut the umbilical cord with scissors, then placed the baby in a plastic bag, and the bag in a trash can.

Williams' lawsuit offers a cruder account: She says Gonzalez knocked the baby off the recliner chair where she had given birth, onto the floor. The baby's umbilical cord was not clamped, allowing her to bleed out. Gonzalez scooped the baby, placenta and afterbirth into a red plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.

...An autopsy determined Williams' baby - she named her Shanice - had filled her lungs with air, meaning she had been born alive, according to the Department of Health. The cause of death was listed as extreme prematurity.

Let's not forget that Williams was at the clinic voluntarily to have her daughter, Shanice, murdered.

This is worth noting:
The University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority Board favors a plan to offer second-trimester abortions at a UW-owned surgery center. Just yesterday, it voted to offer this needed "public service."

Thursday, February 5, 2009, news release, Wisconsin Right to Life:

On a vote of 11 to 3, the Authority Board of UW Hospital and Clinics last evening approved a plan to perform late-term abortions at the Madison Surgery Center. At least one more board must vote on the plan before a final decision is made.

Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Director Susan Armacost has issued the following statement.

"On every front, the right-to-life community in Wisconsin is not going to stand by and let the 'prestigious' medical community in Madison set up a full service second-trimester abortion facility within the Madison Surgery Center.

"Imagine that you are a patient sent to the Madison Surgery Center for an outpatient procedure. The medical professionals that are seeing you are working to restore you to full health while right down the hall, other 'professionals' are dismembering fully-formed babies. The proposed late-term abortion plan, if approved, would be a blight on what should be the life-saving, not life-taking work of medical professionals and facilities. We have only begun the battle to prevent this horrendous plan from becoming a reality."


Please sign the online petition in opposition to the late-term abortion plan and urge others to do the same. The only way to defeat this is through intense public pressure.

Go to to sign the petition.


  1. Let's see ... This woman pays the clinic to kill her child, then complains when it does as she wished. Wise up ladies! The baby is the SAME on either side of the cervix! Don't choose an abortion if you don't want violence to occur to your unborn CHILD! YOUR need not to witness it is irrelevant. In fact I'm sure it is worse for the baby to be burned to death or torn limb from limb inside you're body! Don't choose this unless that's really what you want to happen. Sounds just like all these looney dames that choose some crappy guy and then don't want to take responsibility for the messed up life THEY CHOSE for themselves. You can CHOSE to keep your legs together if you don't wish to deal with the consequenses. It's entirely possible!

  2. I don't think she should be entitled to any money. She payed to have her baby killed, and it is now dead, just as she wanted it. What's she complaining about?

    As far as the baby, that's murder in all aspects, and I'm pro-choice. They should have had medical units putting that baby in an oxygen tank and fighting for it's life. The doctor should be prosecuted as such.

    The girl however, forfeited her right as a mother when she signed the abortion papers. She deserves absolutely no sympathy.

  3. I am very surprised when I hear such comments that speak against this woman. Society lies to these girls, the abortionist and workers lie to these girls, and they are supposed to know the truth? "It's a blob of tissue." "No, its not a baby" "No you can't see the ultrasound."

    We who are ProLife must show mercy and the love of God to these women who abort their children if we are to change their hearts. Ms. Williams knows the truth now because she saw a baby, her baby, die infront of her. And yes, she had the natural reaction of a MOTHER. She wants justice for her child. Allow them to change their hearts, as a lot of those who are Prolife used to be otherwise.
    God bless.

  4. I went to school with this girl, this is crazy


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