Saturday, February 7, 2009

Texas Road Sign Warns of British Invasion

Just over a week ago, road signs in Austin warned motorists, "Caution! Zombies! Ahead!!!" People were told, "Zombies in area! Run."

There's more trouble in Texas.

A highway sign in Lubbock flashed out a warning about a British invasion.

LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) -- A hacked electronic highway sign in Lubbock carried an international message not seen much in centuries on this side of the pond.

The sign Friday briefly flashed: "OMG The British R coming. They R watching you."

...A statement from Austin Bridge & Road says someone "with a questionable sense of humor" accessed the password on the message board.

The company says its portable sign that was hacked has since been removed, since a permanent exit sign has now been installed, and locks have been added to the portable version.

I suspect that this won't be the last highway sign in Texas to be hacked and reprogrammed with a goofy message.

1 comment:

  1. Um, I'm pretty sure this is a metaphor. Think about it.

    I have been warning about the coming of the New World Order, and have felt like Paul Revere myself. Nobody is listening though.

    Guess what, unfortunately, I am correct! The New World Order is coming.

    Wake up America!


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