Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Glenn Beck, Bill Maher, and Keith Olbermann

Last Friday on Real Time, Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann accused Glenn Beck of inciting violence against Barack Obama and other liberals.

NewsBusters has the transcript and video.


BILL MAHER, HOST: Listening to people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck these days, I cannot figure out whether these right-wingers are more dangerous when they're in power or when they're out of power. Because when they're out of power, their paranoia goes off the charts. This Glenn Beck guy, I wouldn't even give him the time of day except he's a big star now on Fox and a lot of people believe him, and he's talking about FEMA concentration camps. He says, "We are headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination." But apparently not beyond his wildest imagination.

ANDREW ROSS SORKIN, NEW YORK TIMES: Did you see what he said about that? He said, "I can't prove these FEMA concentration camps, but let me tell you about them anyway." It's, you think it would be the opposite.

KEITH OLBERMANN, "COUNTDOWN" HOST: Can I quote Madeline Albright?

MAHER: Please.

OLBERMANN: He's nuts. (wild audience applause).

MAHER: But you know, look, I, I, I would never be the person who says you have to watch what you say because some borderline, no really, I'm not for that. But that's an argument that's given a lot: you can't say this because a borderline person might take it and do this. I'm sorry, that's the price of living in a free speech country, and I do want to live in one because I make my living at it. Okay, but you know, I must say, Tim McVeigh in 1995 if you recall, this was the same kind of talk that made him blow up that building.

Maher goes on to condemn Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch for giving Beck a forum. He says that Beck is increasing the chances that people, the"bitter clingers," will physically harm Obama.
MAHER: You know, remember when Obama said that the people out there who are bitter and cling to their guns? Yeah, he was way off about that. I mean, it's those people who I worry about. I do think that this increases the chance for people, you know, to take horrible action. I mean, you know, already Obama has more threats than any president ever.

By vilifying Beck and FOX News with such strong terms, Maher and his panel seem to be doing exactly what they're whining about the Right doing.

It could be said that Maher and Olbermann and company are encouraging the Leftist nutjobs to "take horrible action" against Beck and others at FOX.

They seem to be totally blind to that irony.

They spent years ranting about George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, evil personified. They continue their rants today, yet they don't get that they are hatemongers in the purest sense. Totally clueless.

They're in a parallel universe.

Watch and listen to Glenn Beck respond to the attacks from Maher and Olbermann.


Anonymous said...

While Olberman and Maher slobber their hate, this is happening:



These dolts are nothing more than useful idiots.

Amerikka here we come.

jimspice said...

Did he cry this time? I didn't watch the full 15 minutes, though by scanning bit and peices I did manage to catch the "short bus" comment.

Anonymous said...

Updated article:


"We need resolution authority to go in and be able to change contracts, be able to change the business model, unwind what doesn't work," Gibbs said on CNN


Jill said...

As is usual for me, I think Glenn is pretty "dead-on" here...I'm just sayin'....

Mary said...

You'd think that the Libertarian-leaning Maher would be freaked out by Obama's flagrant power grab.

No, Jim, Beck didn't cry this time, though he did address the criticism of his emotions.

I agree, Jill.

mamajama said...

I wish you had posted the rest of the discussion. There was a very disturbing discussion about Hannity and Beck who are in this for the rating-- period. To sorta quote Hannity: I can't believe the furor; it's only a television show.

These guys think its theater but the audience takes it and runs with it. Very scary.

Mary said...

I think you misunderstood what Olbermann was saying about Hannity.

OLBERMANN: I have talked to Sean Hannity where he says, 'Isn't this crazy that everybody thinks, you know, you and I hate each other? It's just TV.' And I just was like, 'Uhhhhhh.'

That comment from Hannity refers to his personal relationship with Olbermann, 'you and I hate each other.' Note the pronouns. I interpret that to mean that Hannity said he doesn't hate Olbermann whereas Olbermann does hate Hannity.

I would like to hear Hannity's side of the story. I never assume that Olbermann is telling the truth. He gets simple facts flat-out wrong.

Anonymous said...

hey retard first learn to spell the name of the country you love so much second America is a continent.

If you love your country so much learn to spell it second do your research only .21 percent of the economy has been nationalized most of those companies have facilities in conservative bible thumping middle usa

VertualSurfer said...

Sorry, but beck's got nothing in common with Howard Beale...As a matter of fact the American Citizen has more in common...something like: " I'm as disgusted with glenn beck to the point where I can't listen to this idiotic moron any longer and i'm not going to subject myself to anymore of his lunatic ranting and raving...the man's a complete moron (aside from many, many other unpleasant, reprehensible, morally & ethically corrupt complete idiots)...