Friday, April 10, 2009

Paul Ryan and Sean Hannity, April 9

Rep. Paul Ryan was Sean Hannity's guest on Thursday.

He discussed the Republican plan for economic recovery. In addition to criticizing Obama's new massive spending proposals, Ryan explained why Obama's plan to raise taxes is detrimental to the economy.

Ryan also spoke of simplifying the tax code.

Video here.

PAUL RYAN: What we're proposing is we're going to give taxpayers a choice. You can have a current tax code with all of its loopholes and bells and whistles, or if you want a simplified system that fits on a postcard -- two rates, 10% and 25%, is progressive -- generous personal and standard exemptions but no other loopholes or deductions. You can have this simplified system. It fits on a postcard. You can choose. So we're giving the taxpayer the choice. Which system do they want? The one with all the loopholes and deductions, or the simplified system with lower tax rates.

Hannity correctly says that the only way for any of what Ryan has laid out to be politically viable is if Republicans regain control of Congress. Republicans must win in 2010.
RYAN: You can't win unless you have an agenda to run on. You can't win unless you show the American people we have a pathway for keeping America's prosperity. And the one thing we need to stop, before we win, is to prevent these massive tax increases in our savings, these massive tax increases on our small businesses from occurring, because that's going to hurt our prosperity. It's going to hurt our jobs. And it's going to cause us to borrow even more money. The president... I mean, we have never seen this kind of borrowing. It's going to hurt our currency. It's going to hurt the next generation. We want to grow our economy, so we've got to stop the tax increases first and then we need to reform our tax code to make it easier for us to create more jobs in America.

The difference between the Dems and Republicans is so dramatic.

The choice: The Republicans' pathway to prosperity or the Dems' road to economic destruction.

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