Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gwen Moore: Coward

Gwen Moore is a coward.

She has scheduled no more health care "informational sessions."

Spokeswoman Marni Goldberg said Moore doesn't have additional meetings scheduled.

That meeting at North Division yesterday was a joke.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The nation's fierce health care debate drew a largely partisan crowd to the auditorium at North Division High School on Tuesday for a display of democratic dissent that was loud and impassioned, but for the most part, orderly.

Similar town hall-style forums on health care reform across the nation have devolved into raucous shouting matches, and the Milwaukee meeting organized by U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) was patrolled by two police officers, a federal marshal and volunteer security staff.

...In general, Moore appeared to be on safe turf in a room filled with more supporters than opponents of President Barack Obama's health care reform plan.

"I got an e-mail because I'm an Obama supporter. I'm a strong supporter. I was part of his campaign," explained Clarence Nicholas, 62, who taught in the Milwaukee Public Schools for 36 years.

Many in the crowd carried fliers that read: "Standing Together for Health Insurance Reform." An e-mail from had encouraged friends to print out the fliers and display them at the meeting.

Moore should get out of her bubble.

Yesterday, she surrounded herself with friendly faces. The lib community organizers saw to it that Moore would be safe and in control, preselected questions and a presentation by an ObamaCare cheerleader.

Why take such pains to orchestrate the meeting and present a false reality?

It was pointless.

It was cowardly.

The meeting wasn't really an "informational session." What information to take back to Washington did she get out of it?

She didn't use it as an opportunity to listen to constituents and learn their thoughts without the protection of all the filters she put in place.

It was a waste of time.

If Moore is so confident that ObamaCare is what's best for the American people, if she believes in government-run health care, a single payer system, then why take such precautions to manage the debate?

Defending ObamaCare should be easy if it's such a giant leap forward and so good for everyone.

It shouldn't require assembling the lib armies to do battle, amassing lib volunteers, and supplying them with flyers and signs.

It shouldn't require holding her one and only meeting with constituents at North Division High School.

Why show such preferential treatment to a select group?

Why make it difficult for others in her district to attend an "informational session"?

At the very least, Moore should hold a meeting on the south side of her district.

Apparently, she's afraid.

1 comment:

  1. While I am frustrated by the seemingly unchangeable position of some of the representatives. They are supposed to be enacting the will of the people.

    I do have respect for the ones who are going into the "Lions Den" of the voters. The kind of cowardice of hiding behind your party and setting up town hall meetings with planted people and question does more to erode the publics trust then anything.

    Keep a tab America, these are the ones that need Ousting, no matter WHAT party they are.


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