Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Labrina Brown and Robert Moon: "Troubled Relationship"

Labrina Brown

Apparently, Labrina Brown and her grandmother's husband had a troubled relationship.

Yeah, I assumed that was the case.

You usually don't cut someone's throat and commit murder over something as silly as milk.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The 13-year-old girl police say cut her step-grandfather's throat because of a dispute over milk was receiving child welfare services, her attorney said Tuesday while indicating that the reasons for the homicide went deeper than a family squabble.

"This case is about more than milk," the attorney, Joy Sherard, told Court Commissioner Kevin M. Costello during Labrina Brown's initial appearance in Children's Court.

...The sheriff's deputies who brought Brown in and out of Costello's courtroom towered over her. Brown, less than 5 feet tall, wore a burgundy sweatshirt and khaki pants. Her hair was gathered girlishly into a ball at the top of her head and held there with a rubber band. The brass-colored handcuff's that dangled from her wrists appeared enormous.

She may be small, but she knows how to kill.
Brown sat between her attorneys - Sherard and Robin Dorman. Behind her were child welfare workers and family, including Brown's grandmother, Thelma Moon, the wife of 48-year-old Robert Moon. Police say Brown fatally stabbed Robert Moon Saturday at their home in the 3200 block of N. 24th Place.

It must be awful for Thelma Moon. Her granddaughter is charged with murder and the victim is her husband.
"We are not mad at Labrina," said Denitra Aldridge, Robert Moon's 23-year-old stepdaughter.

"We don't fault her," Aldridge said, standing beside Thelma Moon outside the family's house.

"We are trying to grieve and mourn his existence, but we are also trying to be here for her."

How can the family not be mad at Labrina for committing murder?

Was Robert Moon such a monster, was living with him so horrible, that attacking Moon with a knife was an understandable way for Labrina to react to him pouring milk into the sink?

Erika Monroe-Kane, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Children and Families, which runs the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare, said confidentiality laws prevent her from disclosing what, if any, services were provided to Brown or her family.

But Sherard told Costello "a great deal of services have been provided in the past."

...Costello set bail at $150,000, but allowed Brown's family to visit her as long as those visits are supervised by a child welfare worker.

While Brown's family would not discuss what services Brown or her family were receiving, it is clear from the complaint that Brown and Robert Moon had a troubled relationship.

The "great deal" of services provided to Brown and her family obviously didn't help.

According to the complaint:

On Saturday, Brown poured herself a bowel of cereal. Moon told Brown she could not have any milk until a baby living in the house had some.

"Why you always (expletive) with me," the complaint quotes Brown as saying. "You might get away with my grandma here, but next time I'm gonna bust you in your (expletive). You're always trying me."

Saying that Moon and Labrina Brown had a "troubled relationship" is an understatement.

Define the relationship however you wish. It doesn't matter. It's all over now.

1 comment:

  1. let her go, when you know a dog is in the back yard, you stay away. He knew she was dealing with molestation, abuse and neglect. He gave her discipline without love and paid the ultimate cost.


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