Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Karaoke, July 31 -- Jimmy Fallon

On Friday, Jimmy Fallon did another installment of Rush Limbaugh Karaoke.

Like a number of his bits, Fallon gave it a game show format and used audience members. Three audience members performed. The winner was decided based on audience applause.

The lyrics of the songs were taken from Limbaugh's own words.

The first song was "Obama Hate This Country."

He hates this country
He hates this country
I think Obama is losing it
and he's got a chip
on his shoulder
Barack Hussein Obama
is out acting like a spoiled brat Chicago thug

The second song, "Obamacare Nazis":
The Democratic Party is out to
destroy the private sector
Obamacare is the end
of the United States
as we know it
He was raised by a communists
The brothers of liberals
are nazis, communists, socialists, and so forth

And the third song, "Thank You Audience":
People want to be inspired
They don't want to hear
every day
how everything's going to
Hell in a handbasket
I have shown you get
ratings on radio
Being positive, respecting the
audience and I'm addicted
to prescription pain medication

Obviously, that last line of the third song was not Limbaugh's own words.

Fallon asked, "Did you improvise that last line?"

Not funny.

Fallon said that Saturday is the 21st anniversary of Limbaugh's program.

Gee, it was thoughtful of him to mark the occasion by mocking Limbaugh's past drug problem, wasn't it?

Very compassionate to joke about his addiction. Nice.

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