Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dowd: "Gandhi Wuz Robbed"

Maureen Dowd has drifted off again into one of her imaginary worlds where she hears imaginary conversations. She writes down what she hears, puts the voices into a column, and it gets printed in the New York Times.

That's pathetic.

What's disturbing is that the imaginary exchanges Dowd chronicles involve real people.

Dowd's column, "Gandhi Wuz Robbed," is a conversation between Bill Clinton and George W. Bush that took place only in Dowd's head, yet this crap is supposed to qualify as worthwhile commentary.

Not too long ago, Dowd declared that when Joe Wilson shouted "You lie!" at Obama during his health care prime time performance before a joint session of Congress Wilson actually said, "You lie, boy!"

It's time for Dowd to start dealing with reality and stop playing her mind reading games.

It's weird and incredibly arrogant to put words in people's mouths.

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