Thursday, December 10, 2009

Alan Grayson to Dick Cheney: 'STFU'

The disgraceful Alan Grayson was spewing the hate again on the Obama-adoring cable network, MSNBC.

Grayson fits in there so well. He belongs there. MSNBC and Democrat hack Chris Matthews and Hardball were made for him. They provide the perfect platform for Grayson's vitriol.

The Democrat Grayson has said some absolutely despicable things.

Some examples:

" I have trouble listening to what [Dick Cheney] says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he‘s talking."

Grayson calls Linda Robertson, an aide to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, a "K-Street whore."

Grayson's constituents in Florida should be ashamed that someone so foul is their representative in Congress, that they sent a man like him to Washington.

On December 9, Grayson was Chris Matthews' guest on Hardball. Again, Grayson targeted former Vice President Dick Cheney.


CHRIS MATTHEWS: And then [Dick Cheney] went further and dug his hole even deeper, burying Barack Obama, I should say, even deeper by saying the guy doesn't believe in America... He doesn't believe in American exceptionalism, doesn't really love this country. How far is this guy gonna go so he gets to speak at the next Republican Convention? Dick Cheney is unbelievable lately. Just a thought.

REP. ALAN GRAYSON, DEMOCRAT: I don't know, you know, on the Internet there's an acronym that's used to apply to situations like that. It's 'STFU.' I don't think I can say that on the air but I think you know what that means.

MATTHEWS: Well, give me the first part.


MATTHEWS: Oh, I got ya. Yeah, the 'stop talking' in crude language. Well, I don't think you're gonna get to do it. Let me ask you this about the first year of the Barack administration: Do you believe we're gonna get back home for the holidays, for Christmas and Hanukkah and the rest? Are we gonna have a season where something's gonna have gotten done in this Congress? Will we have a health care bill on the road to signature by a couple days before Christmas?

GRAYSON: The answer is yes, but before we leave the subject, I want to talk about the fact that the Right-wing's been ranting about the fact that the president showed respect for the emperor of Japan. I can't believe this is happening. You know, I remember when first of all President Bush, Sr. did something really awful to the prime minister of Japan at a state dinner, and I don't remember those kind of complaints.

MATTHEWS: That was an accident. Come on.

GRAYSON: And then I remember that...

MATTHEWS: He barfed, OK? You don't do that on purpose or on command, sir. I mean, he got sick.

GRAYSON: Well, what about Bush, Jr.? What about Bush, Jr.? I remember Bush, Jr. kissing Prince Abdullah on the cheek and then holding his hand for an extended period of time. Maybe if he let him get to second base then gasoline would be a dollar a gallon.

MATTHEWS: HA! You are unbelievable. All we did was play the Jo Stafford song. We played "See the Pyramids Along the Nile" while they were walking along there. We never said they were kissing.

Let me ask you this: Do you think the president, or the vice president, is wise in saying there's a connection between bowing to the emperor of Japan, which I didn't think was a great idea at all, and the fact that we might get hit again by a terrorist? He is drawing this connection. I find it elusive. Your thoughts--

GRAYSON: It's just too bad that it's too late to impeach him. That's all I can say.


Grayson appears to enjoy saying outrageous things for the attention it brings him. I think he likes his YouTube fame that grows from his terribly mean-spirited and juvenile remarks.

Grayson is an embarrassment. Nancy Pelosi should rein him in. She could if she wanted to, but she doesn't. Unfortunately, that's not surprising.

His behavior is disgracing the Democrats.

He's utterly classless.

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