Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tiger Woods Jokes - Conan O'Brien, December 9

For the fourth consecutive Tonight Show, Conan O'Brien relied on Sean Tuttle, his Tiger Woods joke caddy, to assist in the delivery of Tiger Woods jokes.

Andy Richter continued in his role as commentator, whispering in the typical televised golf manner.

ANDY RICHTER: Conan's chosen his joke. He thinks he can get away with yet another day of this.

CONAN O'BRIEN: People were speculating that Tiger Woods and his wife are thinking of moving to Sweden. Yeah, because if there's one place to get away from hot blondes, it's Sweden.

RICHTER: He's got another one loaded up, ready to go. And here it comes. And here it comes.

O'BRIEN: It's been rumored that the first woman linked to Tiger Woods has also slept with Ryan Seacrest. Apparently the only person spreading this rumor is Ryan Seacrest.

The past three shows, O'Brien went on to tell a third joke. This time, however, Bob Saget and his joke caddy made an appearance. Saget wanted to know if he could play through. O'Brien agreed.

Saget's caddy handed him a joke.

BOB SAGET: It has been reported that Tiger Woods action figures have been on sale at Toys R Us. You can find them in aisle 7 humping cocktail waitress Barbie.



More Tiger Woods jokes - Conan O'Brien, December 4, 2009

More Tiger Woods jokes - Saturday Night Live, December 5, 2009

More Tiger Woods jokes - Conan O'Brien, December 7, 2009

More Tiger Woods jokes - Conan O'Brien, December 8, 2009

"Take a Knee, Tiger Woods" - Jimmy Fallon, December 9, 2009

More Tiger Woods jokes - Jimmy Fallon, December 15, 2009

More Tiger Woods jokes - Jimmy Fallon, December 18, 2009

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