Monday, December 21, 2009

Coburn: 'American People Ought to Pray'

The Left is pretending to be horrified by something that Sen. Tom Coburn said during his remarks from the floor of the Senate on Sunday.

Dick Durbin took to the floor to express his shock.

What a joke!



SEN. TOM COBURN: So, it's not about being bipartisan. It's about... You get to take this or leave it. What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight. That's what they ought to pray, so that we can actually get the middle -- not me, not mine. I understand I'm way over here. But we ought to get the middle of America and the middle of the Senate a bill that can run through this country and actually do what we say we all want to do.

Someone obviously was watching this and clued Dick Durbin in on the opportunity to paint Coburn as a dangerous loon wishing harm on a Democrat senator.

Later, Durbin pounced on Coburn's words, interrupting Sen. Sherrod Brown.

SEN. DICK DURBIN: Will the senator yield for a question? I'm going to be speaking at the end of this hour that's been allocated to our side, and I don't want to interrupt the senator from Ohio, but for one reason. I don't know if the senator from Ohio heard or is aware of a statement made earlier today by our colleague from Oklahoma, Sen. Coburn, who came to the floor and said, 'What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight. That's what they ought to pray.'

I have been trying to reach Sen. Coburn because he is on a committee that I serve on, and I work with him. This statement troubles me and I'm trying to reach him to come back to the floor and explain exactly what he meant about a senator being unable to make the vote tonight. I don't know if the senator from Ohio is familiar with the statement, but I'm reaching out to Sen. Coburn. I'll be on the floor in the next 45 minutes and I hope that he will join me there, and I thank the senator from Ohio for yielding.

Good grief.

How lame!

The Left-wing blogosphere has followed Durbin's lead, acting aghast over Coburn's statements.

Coburn doesn't need to clarify anything. He was merely stating that the only way the America people's voices will be heard is if one of the 60 liberal extremists would not cast a vote to approve a procedural motion that moves government-run health care legislation a step closer to becoming reality.

The American people, overwhelmingly opposed to ObamaCare, are being ignored by the Democrat Obama regime. Those radicals are not listening to the people. They are ramming through legislation against their will.

Coburn was not suggesting that Americans should pray for a Dem to be stricken and drop dead or have an accident.

Nonetheless, Durbin was suggesting that Coburn's remarks had those sinister unpinnings. He was echoing the Leftist fringe chatter. Durbin said what the radicals wanted to hear.

Durbin has no shame. Zero.

The Left needs to get a grip. Obama and the Dems are out of step with the American people. As Coburn said, we need to go to the middle in health care reform, not out on the fringes.

That's not difficult to understand. I don't believe Durbin misunderstood.

Durbin is a disgrace.

NOTE: If my interpretation is wrong and Coburn did mean to say that Americans should pray that harm befall one of the 60 liberal extremists in favor of government-run health care, then Coburn is out of line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coburn is a very decent man. Of course he didn't mean that any harm should come to the Democrap Senators.