Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jimmy Carter, Jason Carter, and Jews

Jimmy Carter's apology to Jews is truly a disgusting bit of political play.

Carter, the anti-Semite, is nuts if he thinks that a simple 'I'm sorry' can undo his years of offensive statements and books trashing Israel.

Back in 2006, David Horowitz called Carter out in his article, "Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater, Genocide-Enabler, Liar."

Even as Islamic Hitlerites gather in Iran to deny the first Holocaust of the Jews and to plot the second, former president Jimmy Carter tours America with a new book that describes Jews as racists and oppressors, and suggests they are also a conspiratorial mafia that intimidates “critics,” controls America’s media and war policy, and are therefore also the source of Islamic terrorism and the Arabs’ genocidal campaign to eliminate them from the map of the Middle East.

In other words, Americans beware of the Jew in your midst.

Here is Carter’s description of the Middle East conflict in his own words, delivered during an interview he gave on National Public Radio during the second day of the Holocaust deniers’ conference in Teheran:
“I have spent a lot of time in Palestine in recent years. … The Palestinians have had their own land, first of all, occupied and then confiscated and then colonized. They’ve been excluded from their own gardens and fields, and pastures and churches. They have been severely restrained in their movements. They have to have different kinds of passes to go through different checkpoints inside their own lands on their own roads. The Israelis have built more than 200 settlements inside Palestine.They connect these settlements with very nice roads for the Israeli settlers, and then superhighways and so forth going into Jerusalem. Quite often the Palestinians are prevented from even riding on those roads that have been built in their own territory. So this has been in many ways worse than it was in South Africa.”

When hundreds of millions of Muslims are calling for the extermination of the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie; it is a blood libel.

Is Carter really tossing out all that he's written and said about Israel and Jews? Really?

I don't buy that at all. It's a cheap stunt to help his grandson. Very sleazy.

From FOX News:

Jimmy Carter's recent apology to Jews for actions he acknowledged have stigmatized Israel is not timed to a decision by his grandson on whether to enter Georgia politics, the former president told an online Jewish news agency this week.

Atlanta attorney Jason Carter, 34, is debating whether to run for Georgia's state Senate from the district representing suburban DeKalb County, which has a significant Jewish population in the area around Emory University. Jason Carter, whose father is Jimmy Carter's eldest son, Jack, would aim to succeed David Adelman, President Obama's nominee to be ambassador to Singapore.

Carter told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that electoral considerations had nothing to do with his recent outreach to the Jewish community, although he did not outright deny it.

...Earlier this month, Carter told JTA that he wanted to issue a plea for forgiveness during Hanukkah for any stigma he may have caused the Jewish nation.

"We must recognize Israel's achievements under difficult circumstances, even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations, but we must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel," Carter reportedly said in a statement.

"I offer an Al Het for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so," he reportedly said, referring to the Yom Kippur prayer for atonement for sins against God.

Carter told the news agency that he shouldn't have named his book, "Palestine: Peace not Apartheid," saying Palestinians in the disputed West Bank are not suffering under apartheid, though they could if a two-state solution with Israel is not achieved.

"I never intended or wanted to stigmatize the nation of Israel, even though I have disagreed with the settlement policy all the way back to the White House," he reportedly said, while repeating his criticism of Israel's recent decision to allow existing settlements to continue their "natural growth."


If Carter is sincere, then he should do an apology tour that would equal or exceed his book tour for Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.

He should appear on TV and take back what he said. He spewed his hatred when he appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, December 11, 2006.

Does Carter plan on going on national TV to apologize for his disgusting remarks? I doubt it.

This is just political shtick to help his grandson. It's disgraceful.

I stick to my belief that Carter was one of the worst presidents in American history. He holds the title as the worst former president ever.


  1. And to think this is the guy who claimed outrage over Obama was racially-motivated. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

  2. I don't like Jimmy Carter either and I think he's just bought off like all other US presidents have been. But let me ask you this: how is standing up for the Palestinians "the first step in genocide"? Jimmy Carter has done more to help the Palestinian people than Arafat or Abumazen ever could. Please visit the occupied (not "disputed") West Bank and see what's happening for yourself. There is no justification for Israel's actions. The 62+ years the Palestinians have spent in exile are 62 years too many.

  3. Carter has apologized for his negative remarks about Israel, admitting that he was out of line.

    Are you saying that Carter is being insincere now?

  4. jimmy is a digrace. a has been who was even a has been when he was president. thank you for lossing in 1980. jason however should be given the opportunity to show that he can be fair and not another dhimmi. lets give him the chance to prove that he is not like his grandfather when it comes to israel and jews,


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