Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mao Ornament on White House Christmas Tree

Who oversees the decorating of the White House for Christmas? Who was responsible for the tree in the Blue Room?

That's the one that Michelle Obama said was her favorite. She told that to Oprah Winfrey when she was showing off the decorations for Winfrey's White House Christmas special.

The individual in charge allowed an ornament with Mao on it to be on the Blue Room Christmas tree. Surely someone is assigned the job of checking the ornaments for inappropriate content.

Either the person is a Mao fan or isn't familiar with the tyrant. In any case, the ornament doesn't belong among the White House Christmas decorations.

Big Government reveals a bit about the man behind the White House holiday decorating decisions.

It all makes sense.

Why let a holiday season come between the White House and making some political statements? The White House pegged controversial designer Simon Doonan to oversee the Christmas decorations for the White House. Mr. Doonan, who is creative director of Barney’s New York has often caused a stir with his design choices. Like his naughty yuletide window display of Margaret Thatcher as a dowdy dominatrix and Dan Quayle as a ventriloquist’s dummy. For this year’s White House, he didn’t disappoint.

Big Government has photos, taken just days ago, of some questionable ornaments that adorn the branches of Michelle Obama's favorite tree.
Of course, Mao has his place in the White House.

And, of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without an ornament of legendary transvestite Hedda Lettuce.

And, so soon after collecting the Nobel Peace Prize, why wouldn’t the White House have an ornament super-imposing President Obama onto Mt. Rushmore?

This makes me sick.

Even one of the Obama regime's Christmas trees has to include Leftist radical stuff?

I'm not comfortable with these Mao worshippers in power.

Obama on Mt. Rushmore?

It's nauseating, stunningly arrogant and egomaniacal.

I'd like to see those ornaments removed.

This administration doesn't bother to pretend that it's remotely centrist anymore.

Mao? MAO?


The issue here isn't the war on Christmas. It's the war on our country's fundamental principles and values.



UPDATE: Moe ornament spotted on White House Christmas tree.


  1. Why should they remove them? After all we are in debt to the Chinese and we do not want them to call all debts due.

    Welcome to the new America, less freedom, more government!

    The Government is Mother, the Government is Father!

  2. This all gives me a headache. It's just so disheartening.

  3. When you read this - - Merry Christmas: Obamacare Slaps $15,000 Annual Fee on Middle Class Families - you will understand. You might have to read the article twice just to get past your disbelief.

    Remember, the source of this information is the CBO, not Glen Beck.

  4. The state capitol of Arizona won't allow a school child's ornamanet wishing "Happy Birthday Jesus" on its Christmas tree.

    But apparently, the White House will allow an ornament of Mao on its tree. Despicable!

  5. I have a question: was the ornament made in China and sold in WalMart?

  6. Here's some info on the Blue Room tree, the official White House Christmas tree.

    "Blue Room: Location of the official White House Christmas Tree. The 18½-by-13-foot Douglas fir is lit with environmentally sound LED lights and decorated with between 650 and 700 ornaments from previous administrations. The ornaments were sent to 60 community groups around the country for refurbishing, with instructions to decorate them with favored American landmarks. Landmarks honored range from the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore to the Kennedy Space Center and the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, the Obamas' hometown. The ornaments were hung with blue ribbon embroidered with the words "reflect, rejoice and renew" — this year's holiday theme — in several languages."

    What is Mao doing on one of those ornaments?

  7. >What is mao doing on one of those ornaments?"

    well, the instructions said to decorate them with favored American landmarks. i guess that could include famous american art?

    the picture of mao isn't just any picture, it's a portrait by legendary pop artist andy warhol, and it was hardly intended at flattery. warhol was anything but a communist sympathizer, unless it involved fame or money. get it?

    no wonder you conservatives freak out, you don't know a damn thing about AMERICAN art.

    grasping for straws here wingnuts. anyways, like President OBAMA has the time to look at all the ornaments. if they can hide a penis in a disney movie then how hard you think it would be to notice a 1" sqaure warhol poster on a gigantic christmas tree with hundreds of balls. I'd like to know how someone even noticed it in the first place, unless it was PLANTED.

    it's just as likely that one of you teabaggers did it yourselves, since it's not like these community groups were invitation only democrat elitists

    i say one of you f'rs put it in there to have something to b!7ch about.

  8. "Famous American art"?

    If the artist had to be Warhol, why not his "Campbell's Soup Cans"?

    Give me a break.

  9. You know, Bert, you sound so angry and bitter.

    Maybe tonight three ghosts will visit you and you'll change your ways.

    That would be nice.

  10. give yourself a break. if you got a problem with the ornament, then find out who made it and take it up with them.

    INSTEAD of pretending that obama and his kids sat around drawing pictures Mao to put on the white house tree.

    you're ridiculous. and these accusations are un-american.

  11. i researched this story alll morning. read literally hundreds of posts of frothy mouthed wingnuts pointing to this as the final sign that's he's a secret muslim communist dictator.

    not a SINGLE person even considered the viewpoint of the person who made the actual ornament. did Obama make it? no. did he even see it? no.

  12. Hey Bert: So refreshing to read the comments of a "thoughtful" person who doesn't display any of the shortsighted, bitter, intolerant, name calling vitriol normally used by liberal thinkers against people with whom they disagree.

    Is Obama a Muslim dictator? Of course not. Did Obama decorate and place any of those ornaments on the White House Christmas-Holiday-Solstice tree? Again, no.

    But like it or not, as head of the house, Obama is responsible for whatever comes out of the White House, be it legislation or vegetation. And sadly, Obama's Bureau of Christmas Tree Decorations has proved to be as dysfunctional as his administration.

  13. And they need to fire the Decorating Czar immediately!

    What a disgrace this administration is. Out with them all! Commies.

  14. A colleague told about "Ornament-gate" but I had to see it to believe it.

    Guys: Warhol made his Mao images during the "Personality Cult" years. He was making fun of communist propaganda, which was making Mao into something he was not. Did you notice how he has eye shadow, lipstick and rouge? Think "Lipstick on a pig."

    The Mao image on a White House Christmas tree ornament symbolizes our President "dancing on the grave" of the defunct communist system!

    There are ligitimate reasons to criticize the Obama Administration but this just ain't one of them. By taking offence to this, you are merely broadcasting your own ignorance.


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