Monday, December 28, 2009

Napolitano: Security System Failed

Janet Napolitano and the Obama administration are doing an about-face on the attempted Flight 253 terrorist attack.

Here's Napolitano putting a positive spin on "the system":

This morning, she talks about "the system" failing miserably.

Good grief.

Often when a public official whines about being taken out of context, that official is in CYA mode.

There's a problem when the issue becomes the statements from the Obama administration rather than keeping the focus on terrorism.

From the New York Times:

The secretary of homeland security, Janet Napolitano, said Monday that the thwarted bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner represented a failure of the nation’s aviation security system, not the success she and other administration officials had portrayed in comments over the weekend.

Ms. Napolitano said Monday on NBC’S “Today” that her remark the day before — “the system has worked really very, very smoothly over the course of the past several days” — had been taken out of context. “Our system did not work in this instance,” she said. “No one is happy or satisfied with that. An extensive review is under way.”

As criticism mounted that security lapses had led to a brush with disaster on the Christmas holiday, President Obama ordered a review on Sunday of the two major planks of the aviation security system — watch lists and detection equipment at airport checkpoints. Some members of Congress urgently questioned why, more than eight years after the Sept. 11 attacks, security measures could not keep makeshift bombs off airliners.

The White House press office said early Monday that President Obama would make a statement within hours from the Kaneohe Marine Base in Hawaii.

Yeah, sure, taken out of context, blah, blah, blah.

The reality is Obama and his administration are frighteningly naive when it comes to terrorism.

For years, the Democrats mercilessly bashed the Bush administration for doing what needed to be done to protect us from terrorist attacks.

Obama can't blame George W. Bush for what happened on Christmas Day on Flight 253.

What Obama should do is apologize to the American people for this potentially disastrous lapse. He should thank God for the hero citizens on that plane.

Video, from Breitbart.

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