Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama Uninterrupted: No Christmas Church Service

Christmas for the Obamas did not include a church service.

That's weird.

Obama claims to be a Christian, but he didn't attend a church service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. What would his mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, say about that?

He wants us to believe that he's a very spiritual man and that he prays every day.

When Obama was running for president and in a tough race against Hillary Clinton, the Associated Press reported:

The Illinois senator also sought to ease lingering Internet-fed concerns about his religion, in particular whether he was a closet Muslim.

"I am a devout Christian. I have been a member of the same church for 20 years. I pray to Jesus every night," he declared at an earlier appearance in the rural southern Ohio town of Nelsonville. He said he wanted to halt "confusion that has been deliberately perpetrated."

Of course, Obama is no longer a member of Jeremiah Wright's church, so that 20 years stuff is just an embarrassment.

Only Obama knows whether he does pray to Jesus every night, but it's hard to view Obama as a "devout Christian" when the guy doesn't manage to attend a Christmas service with his wife and young daughters.

I guess their Hawaiian vacation couldn't be interrupted by an annoyance like observing the birth of Jesus by going to church.

Obama hasn't let the attempted Christmas Day terror attack get in the way of his vacation time either. According to the lib media, he's responded in a "low-key fashion." That's putting a positive spin on things.

From the Washington Post:

President Obama has performed a difficult but familiar balancing act over the past few days: ordering new security measures in the wake of an attempted airliner attack without excessively alarming the public -- or triggering an outcry from civil liberties advocates.

He has done so almost entirely out of sight. On vacation in Hawaii, tucked away in a lush neighborhood where his family is renting a waterfront home, Obama dispatched surrogates back in Washington -- chiefly Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano and press secretary Robert Gibbs, who appeared on the Sunday talk shows -- to reassure the public and explain his approach.

Yet even as the president avoided cameras and played golf and basketball over the weekend, his aides were quick to explain how fully Obama minded the aftermath of the Detroit case. He was briefed shortly after 6 a.m. on Sunday about the latest developments in the Christmas Day incident, aides said. After another airplane security breach occurred three hours later, his advisers quickly issued a statement on his behalf, even though that episode turned out to be a misunderstanding.

...Obama is used to explaining policy himself. But so far in Hawaii, the Christmas Day incident has not required a presidential appearance or Obama's rhetorical skills.

Instead, after going to the gym and playing basketball with a small group -- including friends and staff -- Obama took his family and friends to a Marine Corps base beach that had been closed for the presidential entourage.

His aides noted another important balance Obama is trying to strike: between work and play, his job as president and his family, his public profile and a personal retreat that has been almost completely private for four full days.

Obama is cut so much slack by the lib media.

Isn't it great the way Obama is trying to strike that important balance "between work and play, his job as president and his family, his public profile and a personal retreat that has been almost completely private for four full days"?

No, it's not.

There's a crisis, a foiled terror attack, and Obama is playing basketball and romping on a beach closed for the presidential entourage.

That's not OK. Would it kill him to get in front of a camera and make a statement himself? What's the problem? Didn't he pack his teleprompter?

Obama can't be interrupted. His priorities are clear.

He's a "Me First" kind of a guy.

Jesus and the terrorist threat to Americans and our allies take a back seat to basketball, golf, and time on the beach.

What a leader!


  1. No worries. Obama has been very busy releasing terrorists back to their homeland, like Yemen (now where have I heard that name lately?) so, during his vacation, he's not just laying around doing nothing.

  2. Opps, I forgot a link:

  3. Obama was really busy during most people's final preparations for the Holidays - here's another one he tried to sneak by:


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