Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama Nobel Prize Speech - Transcript


Obama picked up his Nobel Peace Prize today in Oslo.

Here's is the complete transcript of Obama's remarks: Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Blah, blah, blah; but HISTORIC!

OSLO -- President Barack Obama entered the pantheon of Nobel Peace Prize winners Thursday with humble words, acknowledging his own few accomplishments while delivering a robust defense of war and promising to use the prestigious award to "reach for the world that ought to be."

A wartime president honored for peace, Obama became the first sitting U.S. president in 90 years and the third ever to win the prize — some say prematurely. In this damp, chilly Nordic capital to pick it up, he and his wife, Michelle, whirled through a day filled with Nobel pomp and ceremony.

And yet Obama was staying here only about 24 hours, skipping a slew of Nobel activities. This miffed some in Norway but reflects a White House that sees little value in extra pictures of the president, his poll numbers dropping at home, taking an overseas victory lap while thousands of U.S. troops prepare to go off to war and millions of Americans remain jobless.

I can understand why some in Norway are ticked off.

Obama takes time out for
date nights, and a Beer Summit. Millions of Americans were jobless at the time. He was the commander in chief of two wars at the time. That didn't stop him.

Obama is appearing on
60 Minutes AGAIN this Sunday.

And let's be honest: Obama is not one to shy away from a photo op, especially one that shows him overseas being a global citizen. He dragged the White House Press Pool to Dover Air Force Base to photograph him as he saluted our returning war dead.

This just sounds like more BS from the Obama White House. It all rings very hollow to me.

So Obama has joined the ranks of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates.

Climate con man Al Gore won in 2007.

Anti-Semite Jimmy Carter won in 2002.

In 1994, terrorist Yasser Arafat was awarded the prize.

In the 1998, the United Nations Peace-keeping Forces won. These forces have a long list of abuses, including abusing women and little girls in Liberia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Cambodia, East Timor, and Congo.

In 1976, Betty Williams won. This Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, a peace activist, repeatedly declared her wish that President George W. Bush was dead. In 2007, she told a group of school children, "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush."

I guess it's fitting that Obama, another con man, has joined these Nobel Peace Prize Laureates.

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