Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sam Nicholson: Tongue Stuck to Pole

A Christmas Story immortalized the very painful lesson that licking metal in freezing temperatures is a very bad idea. Your tongue will get stuck.

I suppose because of the popularity of this scene Sam Nicholson's encounter with a cold pole is national news. I guess I can understand it being news where it happened, in Boise, Idaho. I don't understand why local stations around the country would pick this up.

People looking for a bit of fame may engage in copycat behavior.

It certainly was a waste of the Boise fire department's resources.

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If you live where it gets cold, this is a regular occurrence. I don't think the fire department is called to respond and news teams don't show up. That's probably because everyone knows some warm water is all it takes to free the poor victim of curiosity.

So, for thrillseekers: Go ahead and experiment. Just make sure you have a glass of warm water with you. No need to call the fire department.

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