Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obama Puts Cadets to Sleep

Some in the audience at Obama's latest primetime-palooza speech dozed off.

I don't blame the cadet in this video for falling asleep. The contents of Obama's speech had been circulating by the time he delivered it.

The poor kid was being used as an extra. He was a prop. I hope he doesn't suffer any consequences for being caught on camera dozing.

I think it was wrong to show a napping cadet. That decision was probably made by some pro-Obama anti-military Leftist eager to embarrass.


Here's video of another cadet struggling to stay awake.


  1. I think early in the speech the cameras were trying to avoid the sleeping cadets. About 20 min or so, it became impossible. I can sympathize. 25 years ago, I was the same. Fortunately, for me, we did not have all the cameras in Ike Hall.

  2. I don't think it has anything to do with being a "pro Obama anti-military leftist". Those kids are exhausted. They study until late at night, get up early, workout, sit in class, get yelled at, and participate in sports every day. I guarantee that it was hard to avoid filming a sleeping cadet.

  3. Its inevitable. The post-thanksgiving rush, combined with wearing dress gray in a theater with 4000 other people. It gets a little warm, plus they probably had to be there 2 hours early. They might as well hand out blankets and warm milk in Ike Hall, especially for something after 7:30. hahaha

  4. I don't blame the cadets for dozing during the speech. Kids have grueling schedules.

    The issue I have is the decision by those taping the broadcast to cut to a sleeping cadet during the speech.

    I think those sleeping should have been avoided. Surely, there were plenty with their eyes open.

  5. Actually, cadets had to be there about 4 hours early for the taping, sitting in Ike Hall, no dinner, breathing piped in heat, while wearing hot wool uniforms. They get up between 5 and 5:30am, have formations and do classes all day until they had to be there. Typically, they have sports or drill after class, and will study until late into the night each night. Don't forget we're at the end of the semester, when projects and papers are due. Skipping class to finish an assignment is obviously not allowed, neither is asking for an extension like in civilian schools.


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