Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chris Matthews: 'The Enemy Camp'

Chris Matthews really went over the edge last night. After Obama's address, Matthews commented on the venue and the audience.

Since when is West Point, the United States Military Academy, the "enemy camp"?

Even for a hack like Matthews, even for MSNBC, that is stunning.


CHRIS MATTHEWS: I saw, if not resentment, skepticism. I didn't see a lot of warmth in that crowd out there the president chose to address tonight. And I thought that was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case. I mean, that was... that's where Paul Wolfowitz used to write speeches for back in the old Bush days. That's where he went to rabble-rouse the 'We're gonna democratize the world' campaign back in '02. So, I thought it was a strange venue.

Good God, does Matthews think before he speaks? He dissed the men and women of West Point.

If West Point is the "enemy camp," then Obama really has a problem.

Obama, like it or not, is the commander in chief.

If there wasn't a lot of warmth, maybe that had something to do with the fact that they weren't thrilled about being used as props.

Why did Obama make the address at West Point anyway? Has the guy ever addressed the American people from the Oval Office? I can't think of one instance. That was the appropriate place for him to make his remarks. It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper.

If there was skepticism, maybe it was because they know that Obama is playing politics. Maybe they didn't appreciate the way he dithered for months.

Perhaps they didn't like the way Obama slammed the Bush administration.

Maybe they don't like the fact that Obama is broadcasting the troop withdrawal timeline.

Maybe they didn't like hearing Obama's tired old FDR shtick.

Maybe they didn't like it that Obama acts like he deserves a medal because he signs "a letter of condolence to the family of each American who gives their life in these wars."

There are plenty of reasons that Matthews may have detected a lack of warmth for Obama at West Point.

I thought they were respectful. No one yelled, "You lie!"

I think saying Obama went to the "enemy camp" reveals a lot about Matthews and those of his Leftist ilk.

I'm thoroughly disgusted that Matthews would call West Point the "enemy camp." Would Matthews be more at ease with the Taliban?

Frankly, he makes me sick, often.

The American president going to West Point should not be an adversarial meeting.

But Matthews may be right in that Obama may not think of the Military Academy as friendly territory.

The cadets at West Point, those incredible men and women, may not a get a Matthews-style thrill up their leg when they hear Obama's rhetoric.

Bottom line: During the campaign, Obama wanted to focus on Afghanistan. He wanted the chance to be in charge. He got what he wanted.

Obama is a wartime president. Afghanistan is Obama's war.

Weren't the libs listening to Obama when he promised to fight? Apparently not. They wouldn't be so disappointed now. They don't like seeing him in the role of commander in chief.

I think Obama feels their pain. He doesn't seem too comfortable being the decider.

1 comment:

  1. At least Obama has no trouble in identifying the right country to attack. There were 30,000 American troops in Afghanistan last December, and there will soon be 100,000.

    I love how you turned Matthews' comment into an attack of Obama.


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