Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Planned Parenthood, Undercover Video - Appleton, WI

This video is shocking.

I know it shouldn't be. For years, I've heard about the tactics employed by Planned Parenthood. I've heard about the misinformation, the lies; but watching this undercover video made it real.

Unquestionably, the doctor behaves unethically. It's a type of medical malpractice in my opinion.

Women are not being empowered by the services they receive at Planned Parenthood. They are being fed lies. They are manipulated. They are intentionally deceived about the life they are carrying and the FACTS of human development.

It's nauseating.

Watch this undercover student video taken at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Appleton, Wisconsin.

This makes me so angry because the doctor and the counselor are so dishonest.

If abortion is just another "health care" procedure, then why are they lying to a prospective patient?


Here's the press release launching the video:

Appleton, December 9 -- New undercover footage from an Appleton, WI Planned Parenthood abortion clinic shows clinic staff, including the abortion doctor, lying to two young women about fetal development and encouraging the one who is pregnant to obtain an abortion because "women die having babies."

In the undercover video, when the two women ask a Planned Parenthood counselor if the pregnant woman's 10-week-old unborn child has a heartbeat, the counselor emphasizes "heart tones," and answers, "Heart beat is when the fetus is active in the uterus--can survive--which is about seventeen or eighteen weeks." On the contrary, embryologists agree that the heartbeat begins around 3 weeks. Wisconsin informed consent law requires that women receive medically accurate information before undergoing an abortion.

The counselor then says, "A fetus is what's in the uterus right now. That is not a baby." Dr. Prohaska, the abortion doctor, insists, "It's not a baby at this stage or anything like that." Prohaska also states that having an abortion will be "much safer than having a baby," warning, "You know, women die having babies."

The video comes one month after the widely reported resignation of Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson. Johnson left her leadership position at Planned Parenthood in Bryan, TX after watching a 13-week old fetus being aborted in her clinic on ultrasound. She said during a recent interview, "Planned Parenthood really tries to instill in their employees and the women that are coming in for abortions that this is not a baby." In another interview, she noted, "They don't want to talk about when your baby has a heartbeat," because "they don't want to give the woman information that could give her a connection with her baby."

The investigation is organized by Live Action, a nonprofit student group. Lila Rose, the 21-year-old UCLA student and Live Action president, says medical lies and manipulative counseling are routine at Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion chain.

"They will do or say anything in order to sell more abortions to more women, whether it is covering up sexual abuse or lying to women about medical facts," says Rose. "Our team has visited dozens of Planned Parenthood clinics undercover. Planned Parenthood, while claiming to support patient self-determination, operates with an 'abortion-first mentality.'"

The video is the first in Live Action's "Rosa Acuna Project," a multi-state undercover audit documenting Planned Parenthood's abortion counseling. Planned Parenthood has come under fire recently after Live Action's investigations found them willing to conceal sexual abuse and accept donations targeted to abort African-Americans only. Videos of abuse cover-up prompted state investigations of Planned Parenthood and diversion of the abortion giant's public subsidies.

"Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar organization with nearly $350 million of government funding, and stands to gain hundreds of millions more from national health care," says Rose. "Do we really want to subsidize an organization that gives women in need atrocious misinformation and predatory abortion practices?"


  1. Ok, I have a few comments.
    First....did the "spy" end up going through with the abortion?
    Second.....I have worked for various Planned Parenthoof affiliates for 10+ years. I have been in many roles.....counselor, assistant, ultrasound, etc. I also know that PP is not in "the abortion industry" for the money......the amount that they get paid by insurance companies, medicaid, self very little compared to what most physicians charge for their time. Planned Parenthood is a NON-PROFIT organization. We believe in what we do -- we help women in their reproductive choices in whatever way possible. We turn away folks that aren't sure in their decision, we educate as best as we can.....I can't tell you the amount of misinformation I have see come from the "crisis pregnancy centers" about what an abortion is really about. So sure, misleading information comes from BOTH sides....remember, the patient hears what they WANT to hear. And we are ALL subject to "emotional" tags -- like heart tones vs heart BEAT. FYI.....I am now an OB licensed ultrasonographer and still fiercely pro-choice....and the fetus/baby (THAT tag is STRICTLY emotional -- there is no medical time that it becomes a "baby.") is NOT viable (aka live outside the womb) until at LEAST 24 weeks (even then it will most likely have a STEEP climb ahead). We never tried to "sway" the woman one way or another.....but it was easy to imagine the woman (who is SURE of her decision when she comes in) knowing the fetus had a heart BEAT feeling emotional about should she keep it. Women make their decisions for ALL diffferent reasons. We need to give them the benefit of the doubt,which this video does NOT. Women are smart creatures....we KNOW what a "fetus" is.....unless this woman who filmed this was like 11. She was obviously baiting the staff. We/they trust women and their decisions.....and we/they don't let women go through with abortions who aren't sure that they want to -- even if they have cash.
    This video needs some explanation and some in-between shots. I have worked for many women's clinics and Planned Parenthood is the best with their thorough care.
    Choosing to have an abortion and having an abortion are increibly difficult decisions to make. I wish, as a country, we would realize that.

  2. Women are smart.

    So why is Planned Parenthood afraid to tell the truth to women?

  3. Mary, what is the "truth" that Planned Parenthood is afraid to tell women?


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