Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dianne Feinstein: Tax Dollars for Abortion 'Morally Correct'

Dianne Feinstein considers the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions to be 'morally correct.'

From CNSNews:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) told that using tax dollars from pro-life Americans to pay for insurance plans that cover abortion is morally correct.

The health care bill put before the Senate by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) would in fact provide tax dollars to health insurance plans that cover abortion. An amendment to the health care bill sponsored by Sen. Ben Nelson (D.-Neb.) that would have prohibited tax dollars from going to insurance plans that cover abortion was defeated yesterday.

As the Senate was debating the Nelson amendment Tuesday, asked Feinstein: "Is it morally right to use tax dollars from pro-life Americans to cover insurance plans that cover abortion?"

Feinstein said: "Is it morally correct? Yes, I believe it is. Abortion is legal, and there (are) certain very tragic circumstances that a woman finds herself in. Married, with an unborn baby that’s unable to survive outside of the womb, her doctor tells her it’s a threat to her health. I think she ought to have a policy available to her." asked: "So it’s morally right for pro-life taxpayers to have to help pay for plans that cover abortion?"

Feinstein responded: "Please. We pay for a lot of things that we may or may not agree with, and taxpayers pay for it, for those things, as well."


Feinstein puts such a ridiculous spin on the issue.

"Married, with an unborn baby that’s unable to survive outside of the womb, her doctor tells her it’s a threat to her health."

What percent of the abortions in this country are performed under those circumstances?

Feinstein's notion of "moral correctness" is twisted. It certainly is not morally correct to use the taxes of pro-life Americans to pay for the murder of future Americans.

She's right that our dollars are used by the government for things we don't agree with. It happens all the time. However, it doesn't always involve such a weighty moral issue as ending human life.

In effect, Feinstein and her comrades want to do away with the Hyde Amendment. They want to eliminate any obstacle to protect the unborn.

Speaking of "moral correctness," Barbara Mikulski believes:

I think it’s morally wrong to vote against health care, because if you really are pro-life--or as Richard Rick Warren says, 'whole-life'--then universal access to health care that would guarantee maternity health, sound wonderful deliveries for children, and so on, I think that’s what we want to do. I believe voting for universal access, ending the punitive practices of insurance companies, particularly their discrimination against women, is morally wrong.


Isn't it morally wrong to discriminate against the unborn females?

I consider abortion to be a most horrific punitive practice.

Bottom line: It's immoral to kill the innocent, the weak, the vulnerable, the unborn.

The Democrats' health care plan is immoral.

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