Friday, December 4, 2009

Robert Gibbs and April Ryan

Robert Gibbs compared April Ryan, White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, to a child behaving badly.

That move was typical of the Obama White House - arrogant and condescending and sleazy.

Gibbs is a horrible press secretary, absolutely horrible.

Ryan was questioning Gibbs about Desiree Rogers, the White House social secretary.

Gibbs couldn't be bothered.


The White House still doesn't have a transcript of this press briefing on its website.

Considering Obama is supposedly all about transparency, his administration drags its feet when it comes to things as simple as posting transcripts of the briefings in a timely fashion.

The Bush website would be updated quickly and thoroughly. Video links of the press briefings were also available on demand.

The Obama White House website pales in comparison to the one operated by the Bush administration.

Back to the exchange between Gibbs and April Ryan--

It was difficult to transcribe because there was so much crosstalk.

What's clear, however, is that Gibbs acted like a pompous jerk.

Comparing a reporter to an out of control child is out of line.


APRIL RYAN: Was there a concern in this White House that she came out being, some might have called her the 'belle of the ball,' overshadowing the first lady at the...

ROBERT GIBBS: I don't who some are. I've never heard that. Again...

RYAN: Well, it's been bantered around Washington, and it's been in Democratic circles as well as Republican circles, high-ranking people...

GIBBS: April, I, I, that's not a station I live in in life.

RYAN: Just answer the question, please.

GIBBS: Are you done speaking so I can?

RYAN: Oh yes, I'm done.

GIBBS: I've not heard any of that criticism. I've not read any of that criticism. The president, the first lady, and the entire White House staff are grateful for the job that she does. And thinks she has done a terrific and wonderful job pulling off a lot of big and important events here at the White House.

RYAN: Did she invite herself to the state dinner or was she a guest? Did the president invite her or did she put her... No, that's a real question. Do not fan it off. I'm serious.

GIBBS: I, I, Jonathan-

RYAN: No, no, no. Did she invite herself or did the president ask her? Her name was on that list, and social secretaries are the ones who put the names on the list...

GIBBS: Right. Was she at the dinner? April, April, calm down. Just take a deep breath for one second. Now see? This happens with my son. He does the same thing.

(Audible reaction from other reporters, as Ryan quietly mouths, "I'm older than your son.")

RYAN: Don't play with me. I'm being serious. Do not blow it off.

GIBBS: I'm not... And I'm giving you a serious answer. Was she at the dinner? Yes. She's the social secretary.

RYAN: Social secretaries are not guests of the dinner.

GIBBS: She had the primary responsibility for running the dinner. I'm going to get back to weightier topics like 98,000 men and women in Afghanistan.

Gibbs' son, Ethan, is 6 years old.

There's no question he meant to insult Ryan.


UPDATE: The White House has finally posted its transcript of the briefing.


  1. Good for him! Leave the tabloid news where it belongs - in the tabloids! Seriously, April's line of questioning was ridiculous and juvenile and she deserved to be spoken down to. I support him 100% on that.

  2. This is clearly a brat of a person thinking her question is more important than anything else. Who cares about this issue when more important issues are on the table. She just has a lack of respect for other people, plan and simple.

  3. Gibbs conducted himself in a completely unprofessional manner. Period.

    The onus is on him to maintain decorum during the briefings. He failed miserably.

    Obviously, the other members of the press corps were taken aback by Gibbs' behavior.

    He was completely out of line to compare April Ryan to his 6-year-old son.

    The smug Gibbs reminded me of Obama and his terribly inappropriate remarks, like when he compared his bowling skills to a Special Olympics athlete.

    Truly disgraceful.

  4. Mary, are you sure you aren't being a little bit biased here? Professionalism is marked by how we conduct ourselves. Who was the more unruly person in that press conference? Plus, reading a transcript is very different from seeing the footage-- -- I mean, why are we making Gibbs the bad guy here? He's just doing his job. What's she doing?

  5. Of course, I have biases; but I sincerely think it was inappropriate for Gibbs to compare April Ryan to a child.

    It's Gibbs' job to answer questions posed by the press, not insult reporters.

    I think the reaction in the room said it all. It was undeniably out of line for Gibbs to say what he did to a grown woman and member of the White House press corps.

    The point is Gibbs wasn't doing his job, unless his job is to be arrogant, condescending, a bully, and a thug.


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