Friday, December 11, 2009

Sarah Palin, William Shatner, Conan O'Brien (Video)

As he has on past episodes of The Tonight Show, William Shatner did a dramatic reading.

Previous Shatner Beat Poetry readings:

Conan O'Brien: Shatner Reads Palin's Tweets
Shatner Reads Levi Johnston's Tweets
Shatner Reads Levi Johnston's REAL Quotes

On Friday, Shatner read a few choice lines from Sarah Palin's Going Rogue.

When he finished, Sarah Palin came out. Conan O'Brien and William Shatner pretended to be surprised.

What acting!

Palin read some excerpts from Shatner's autobiography, as Shatner looked on, clearly overwhelmed with emotion.

What acting!

Here's the video:

Although Sarah Palin wasn't listed as a scheduled guest, NBC did heavily promote her "surprise" appearance on The Tonight Show during its prime time broadcasts.

It was quite a coup for Conan. I bet David Letterman was drooling. I mean more than usual.

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