Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tareq and Michaele Salahi and Matt Lauer

Tareq Salahi tells Matt Lauer on Today:
I can tell you this has been the most devastating thing that's ever happened to us. We're greatly saddened by all the circumstances that have been involved and portraying my wife and I as party crashers; and I can tell you we did not party crash the White House.

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Bravo! What a performance! Give these people a reality show!

Robert Gibbs insists that there was no misunderstanding. He says the Salahis were not invited to the state dinner.

(His statement on the Salahis begins at 3:53.)

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Gibbs is dismissing the notion that the Salahis did secure an invite to the event via Michele S. Jones, special assistant to the secretary of defense and the Pentagon-based liaison to the White House.

Read the Washington Post article.

There's a big difference between asking for tickets and receiving them.

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