Sunday, January 17, 2010

3,000 Attend Racine Tea Party (Photos)

From the Racine Journal Times:
Education isn't just for your children - it's for you too, Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher told a frozen but enthusiastic crowd Saturday.

The setting for the latest Tea Party - this one dubbed the Tea Party Bonfire - was Wendell Anderson's farm on Highway H.

Despite cold, damp winter weather, organizers reported from the stage that they'd counted more than 3,000 heads. The event jammed Highway H for about a mile in each direction; other participants were shuttled to and from the event on yellow school buses from Caledonia-Mount Pleasant Park. People were still arriving at 3:55 p.m. for the 3 p.m. event.

Nancy Milholland, one of about 20 organizers, said the group had heard this was the first Tea Party of 2010. The name refers both the the Boston Tea Party and is an acronym for Taxed Enough Already.

A pile of wooden pallets provided the fuel for the bonfire that roared about 50 yards behind the stage.

Speaker after speaker provided the verbal fuel, lobbing such topics as nationalized health care, climate change, taxation, immigration and gun rights. The first mention of "global warming" brought loud, derisive laughter from the crowd.

It sounds like the event was a tremendous success.

It takes a lot to draw a crowd of thousands to an outdoor event on a Saturday afternoon in January in Wisconsin.


From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

'Tea party' rally photo gallery

From TMJ4:

Video - Tea Party Movement Comes To Racine County


  1. Nice pictures.
    I've got a few, too:

  2. I don't think MSNBC will mention it.


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